Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Who is Mary Magdalene"

‘Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bring the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with him, as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their resources.’
(Read Luke 8:1-3) Luke 8:1-3 (King James Version)
Who is Mary Magdalene? Was she a prostitute as many thought? You will find she was a sinner just as we all are. Mary Magdalene was a follower of Jesus. Mary comes from a thriving fishing city called Magadha, also a manufacturing city of fine wool and dyes. Mary was probably the 2nd most important woman in Jesus life, for his mother was the most important. Mary was a business woman, a very intelligent woman who from reading I would think she got her money from the fishing industry as that was so big. Mary was the leader of a group of ladies who provided for not only Jesus but his followers from their very own finances. If you can imagine Mary picked up and followed Jesus for three years as He wandered throughout Galilee and Judea. Jesus moved through the villages teaching with two groups, one led by Mary and the other led by Peter. The women and men had to be separate so as to not lose any credibility as a religious teacher. Mary was there for Jesus not only personably but also she was able to financially sustain Him during His travel. This all started one day when Mary ran into Jesus and he was able to see she was possessed with evil spirits. (Luke 8:1-3) Mary is described as a woman whom Jesus cured of an unspecified illness. In the days of Mary Magdalene diseases were claimed to be caused by evil spirits, Mary had seven demons that were tormenting her, the significance in the number is important as it mean the severity of the diseases she had. Mary was severely sick. Mary loved Jesus, she felt honored to follow Him wherever He might go. She stayed by his side throughout all that was to come. If only we had friendships like this. When the worst that could happen did happen, Mary was there. She had been close to him during his life, and she would be close to him when he faced death. The men disciples fled – there was every possibility they might be the next victims of the Roman authorities. But Mary stood as near to the cross as she could, watching every dreadful action, hearing every scream. No one can imagine what it was like for her, or for the other women standing there. Mary would go on to be the one who would prepare her best friend for his tomb. She would wash him; wipe away all the blood that covered his body from all the beatings. I can imagine the tears were falling as she had watched and listened to his every scream as they abused, beat, stripped him of his skin, and hammered nails into his hands and feet. She never left her best friends side. She even watched as her best friend’s tomb was sealed. But, Praise God she was the one who found he wasn’t in the tomb as the Lord had sent an angel to tell her. She watched His resurrection.
Do you know anyone in your life that would follow you through the good and the bad, and then be there to clean you up? Mary never forsakes Jesus, for she knew the blessings she had received from His healing touch. She loved Jesus. Do You?(Mark 15:40-41, Luke 23:49, Matthew 27:55-56, John 19:25) In each of the four accounts of the crucifixion Mary was present, either standing at a distance with other women, or standing near the cross.
(Luke 23:55-56, Matthew 27:61)
Mary watched as Jesus’ body was sealed inside the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. She could confirm that he was really dead. She and the other women prepared the spices needed for proper burial of a body.
(Mark 16:1-11, Luke 24:1-11, Matthew 28:1-10, John 20:1-18).
Mary found that Jesus’ body was no longer in the tomb. She received a message from an angel and was the first person to see the risen Jesus. She was thus the first witness of the resurrection.
Ask Jesus to heal you from all your demons today and walk with Him from this day forward. Jesus loves us all!


  1. Great awesome again Brenda.In life every body sins one time or another but you could tell that Mary loved Jesus as she stayed with him through to worst times possibale a friend could only imagine.Mary being able to be the first one to see resurrection had to be a awesome feeling for her.Thank God for resurrection as for Jesus is the reason we are where we are now to have our demons healed.Please keep up the great work Brenda.

  2. Very thought provoking. For one to give so unconditionally takes a stregnth only deep faith can provide.

  3. Mary was a true friend. And it is so great that the tomb is now empty. We will one day walk the streets of gold with our saviour.
