Thursday, January 21, 2010


“Dear Friends”
I have written about friendship before, but today I lie here feeling alone, empty inside with my pain. I have the Lord here with me so I know I will be fine. I guess I am missing earthly friends however, it seems when one is down the most they aren’t anywhere to be found. Not even a phone call to see if you are ok, maybe they don’t want to disturb, whatever the reason may be; God gives us friends when we need them, and we should always treat them like a gift from God. May God bless me with a friendship like I find here in the Bible.
I decided I wanted to find out who were true friends in the bible; the story that came to mind was about Ruth. I want to share some of her friendship story with you. After reading I pray that if you have a best friend you let them know and be appreciative that God blessed with such a friend.
In a place called Moab lived a family, Elimelech, his wife Naomi and their two sons. They had moved to Moab because where they were living the food was running short. Shortly after living in Moab Elimelech died but Naomi wasn't alone she still had two sons.
Her sons both got married and were happy, but they both would die after about ten years. At least Naomi still had her son’s wives to keep her company; Orpah and Ruth.
Naomi called her sons wives and told them, "I am going to go back to where I used to live and I would like you also to go back to your family where you used to live. May God show you kindness as you have showed me?" All the women cried and hugged each other because they were such good friends.
Orpah didn't want to leave Naomi but Naomi told her not to worry, she would be fine. So Orpah left to go back to her family. But no matter what Naomi said to Ruth, Ruth would not leave. "Don't ask me to leave. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your friends will be my friends and your God will be my God."
So Ruth and Naomi returned to Bethlehem together. It was a good thing Ruth went with Naomi because Bethlehem was very far away and Naomi couldn't have traveled all that way by herself.
When they got there Ruth decided that she should do some kind of work. It was harvest time, so she worked in the fields following behind the harvesters and picked up any barley that they had dropped.
The owner of the field came by to greet the harvesters and noticed Ruth in the field. He asked one of the harvesters who she was. "She came back from Moab with Naomi, that's all I know." Lucky for Ruth the owner of the field was Boaz, he was a kind man who believed in God. He had also been related to Elimelech (Naomi's husband that died).
Boaz went to go talk to Ruth, he said to her,”Don't go work in any other field but stay here with the other servant girls. I will make sure you are safe and whenever you are thirsty go and get a drink from the water jars." When Ruth heard this she bowed down to Boaz and asked, "Why are you being so nice to me, I'm not even from here."
Boaz replied, "I know what you've done for Naomi, you left your family and moved to a place you've never been. May the Lord reward you for your kindness?"
Ruth thanked Boaz and continued with her work in the hot sun. Boaz even ordered his workers to drop extra barley so Ruth could have more for herself. Ruth always took all the barley home and shared it with Naomi.
Ruth would eventually marry Boaz and be happy.
Ruth never complained but she was always a good friend to Naomi, she never once expected anything in return, as long as she could help her friend she was happy. I don’t know that I have a friend here on earth like Ruth, but I do know I have a friend in Jesus. If you have a friend like Ruth, pick up the phone, bless her/him, and let them know how much you love them. Be the same friend in return.

1 comment:

  1. Brenda I am sure you have many friends and not getting a phone call maybe is cause they are granting your wish that you may of asked till you got feeling a bit better after the operation so please do not take it out on them I am sure they all still love you very much.I am sure you do have many true friends and I can feel something in my heart there is one thats very upset and I pray you two work things out.Another great blog on friends Brenda hope all works out.God Bless
