Friday, January 1, 2010

The Path to Heaven

Worry.......................matthew 6:27-29

Can all your worries add a single moment to your life.

Does all this sound familiar to you? I seem to find myself worrying over everything, from

will the house be clean enough, to what will happen if i am late to work? If i could have all the minutes back that i have lost to worry I could probably live another few years. How many of us trust and believe in the Lord till it comes to something not just exactly what we want it to be? I worry that i wont be able to meet next months bills, but God tells me He will take care of my ever need. it all falls back to "Oh Yea of Little Faith". All God wants is for us to trust Him when He has already given His word on the matter. This is what i will be doing today, trusting more and worrying less.


  1. I am truly inspired. I will follow this

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. I agree God would like for us to have faith and trust in him. Through God all things are possible.

  4. Brenda u need not worry as much as god helps us all in different ways but what time i have know u he has opened my eyes wider and myself has begain to show much trust and respect. God bless
