Saturday, July 3, 2010

“Feeling Desolate”

We enter into this wilderness feeling lost and confused, lonely and abandoned. Formerly so self-sufficient and so capable of taking care of ourselves, now our hands are empty and our hearts are filled with grief. Try as we may, we cannot reach the wellspring of our souls. We are thrown by necessity back onto ourselves, but we are no help at all. ... The more control we lose over our lives, the more meaningless everything seems, and the more we try to control. We must acknowledge our weakness so that we may lean upon the strength of God; we must admit our fear so that we may receive the courage of God; ... and that we declare ourselves lost so that we may take the leading hand of God.

Let go of all that is not of God and attach to everything that is. Jeremiah 13:16 Give glory to the LORD your God, before he cause darkness , and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and, while ye look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness.

In this life we have mountain top experiences. Those times when we stand on the mountain viewing the above clouds and see the sun shining. We forget about the trials and troubles we face, and the cares of life that weigh us down. We forget about the attacks the enemy has made against our soul. We enter into a time of rejoicing because the shadows, which encompass us disappear.

Maybe you feel you are lost out in the desert, where the land is barren, the water has dried up. The air has eaten up all your oxygen, you just feel drained, lifeless. You look at the clouds differently, where does the flat land meet the mountain? Folks there is a place where you can get renewed energy and fill that thirst. Are you ready? It is a place where everything is perfect. The tranquility enraptures the soul and our strength is restored, it is the Garden just over the ridge, where you will find Jesus, He awaits you. I know you say a garden in the midst of a desert. He will walk and talk with you and listen as you tell Him what He already knows.

You took a wrong path in life, but it’s not too late, quit being stubborn and ask for directions, you too will find that garden, Jesus awaits you!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Brenda.I have taken the wrong path in life a few times than sat back looked upwards and asked God for help he is always there to turn me back on the right path.Since reading your blogs I have been on the right path to heaven with God in sight.I owe it to you Brenda you have sent me in the right path and have kept me on it with your blogs and and all you have done for me.Please keep up the great work.
