Wednesday, July 28, 2010


For many years, I have wondered about my sister’s name and never thought to ask why mom and dad spelled it Deborah. Today, I decided to ask. The response rather shocked me. God loved a strong willed woman in the Bible called Deborah.

I have read the story about Deborah a few times and never got just how important she was. So today, I sat down and listened to a tape on the Book of Judges, chapter 4 and 5. I was so fascinated.

The story of Deborah is found in the Book of Judges Chapters 4-5. Deborah is one of few women Prophets in the Bible. That in itself to me is amazing. After 20 years of oppression, God told Deborah that it was time to deliver the people once again. She appointed Barak to lead the army, but he was afraid to go without her. "If you will go with me, I will go; if not I will not go." "Very well, I will go with you," Deborah agreed, but adds "However, there will be no glory for you in the course you are taking, for then the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman" She had deep faith in God. She united the people of Israel and led them to victory against the Canaanites. Barak conquered Sis Era and delivered Israel from the oppression of the Canaanite King Yavin. Deborah had told Barak what would happen and she would be correct, for actually, Jael would take Sisera’s life, so both Jael and Deborah are remembered as the real leaders.

Deborah is the only female judge listed in the Bible. The men would come and listen to her give judgments under the palm trees. Back in those days a woman was not allowed to be in a house with a man, this was improper.

This highlights the two chapters of Judges for you, I hope that you will find interest and read the whole story. I cannot emphasis enough how the Bible is the best story telling book available to you. It is full of great people like Deborah.

Are you a Prophetess for God? I love the Lord and I pray that one day He will say to me Daughter, Job well done. God bless you all, my friends!


  1. A wonderful Blog Brenda.I had no idea about Deborah how God used that name but you have opened my eyes as not to just see it used in the Bible like I have always used it.You do such awesome work in helping God down here,I like other I hope are very proud of you.

  2. Very interesting, I have never read that story.
