Sunday, July 25, 2010

The climbing Temperatures

Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Genesis 9:11 And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth.

The heat of the summer has been very hard on so many people this year. I have had to learn the hard way this past week as my air conditioner in my house went out. The temperature has been some of the hottest we have had in years, with the nights staying daytime temperatures. As for myself it has caused breathing difficulties, with me having asthma. So many have been rushed to hospitals in past few days as the heat index rises. These days have put me in full prayer mode for all those that don’t have any kind of air available to them as we go thru the changing weather.

When I read the Bible this morning, the above scripture was what I focused on. The Lord gave us control of all things here on earth, with our so-called intelligence, we have created the nice cars, the plants, etc, and we created all the pollution that has caused many of the changes in the atmosphere. God did not give this to us; He just gave us control over all things here on earth. I realize just how important being right with God is. This heat will just continue to rise if you are not right with God; there is a great chance you will be in a hell pit of fire eternally if you are not living a life with God in it. I know I am not willing to risk my salvation and opportunity to live in Heaven with my Heavenly Father.

Mt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

If you have felt the effects of the heat this summer, think about how this heat is nothing compared to what an eternity of heat will be. A heat that is indescribable. I sit here with a fan on me and I feel miserable, but my soul is safe for I know I am a child of Gods, I know I won’t burn in eternity, I shall see the face of the Lord and live with Him in the next realm. If you have air conditioning in your house, thank God for blessing you, but also ask for protection over those who do not. If you are on the rocks and not sure if, you are ready to live a life of love, understanding, hope, and faith. Go outside for a while and feel the heat upon your skin. Think of the worst burn you could possibly ever get and imagine that for eternity. That won’t even be a inkling of what it will actually be.

Sure, I am miserable right now, but I know its temporary, but I did learn more about what an awesome God we have and how I look forward to the day I can be with Him. I love my Lord and Savior and I ask His blessing on my life and all that love Him. If you are going without air right now, I ask God for a cool wind to blow over you and me. There is no greater love than the love the Lord has for us.

God bless you my friends, think about your future today…


  1. Awesome blog Brenda.First off I hope you get your A/C back up and running.I believe you should always be right with God as you just never know from one min to the next what is laid out there for you.Kepp it up please Brenda.

  2. i know how your temp was Brenda and i glad God help and fix all things this week and what you said on this blogs and i say he doing a awesome job for all us my sister air went out too wire burn breaker up she was out for 3 days to and Brenda you still the greatest lady here and we love you HBK

  3. We have experienced the same thing our air conditioner went out as well. We had to buy another one and your right it was so hot in the house. Thank you Jesus I want have to go and burn forever. I will live in paradise forever with you.
