Saturday, July 24, 2010

"Back to King David"

Back to King David…Did you know that King David was a peeping tom, adulterer and even a murderer? Let us look into each of these and see how they relate to the world today.

He was a peeping tom, who spied on Bathsheba at her bath, and an exhibitionist who exposed himself to a crowd of Jerusalemites. Once he seemed a coward, pretending to be mad to avoid conflict. In one of his most sleazy episodes, he conspired to have Bathsheba's husband killed, and he lied and murdered many times in his life.

The Second Book of Samuel (11:2-4) gives the account of King David who saw a woman bathing from his palace roof. When he asked after her, he was told that she was Bathsheba, daughter of Eliam and wife of Uriah the Hittite. David had his messengers retrieve her, and after they slept together, she became pregnant with his child. Under David's order Uriah was ordered to return home and see his wife, Uriah repeatedly refused to leave his post or leave the King's presence to see her. David was able to marry Bathsheba by sending Uriah into battle where he was killed. When I read this, I ask myself, did King David kill Uriah, no not personally, he did not, but he did have his army to retreat from him, which in turn caused him to be murdered. So again, I ask myself did King David kill Uriah. In my personal opinion, yes, he did…and think about that he not only did that, but he wanted Uriah to come home and visit his wife while she was pregnant. How uncomfortable that must have been, since it was his baby, not Uriah’s from his adulterous affair they had.

Salvation is repentance towards God and faith in Christ Jesus (Acts 20:21). This is exactly what David does, as you will see in the Bible. Luke 15:24,32 (24) For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry. (32) It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

Despite all this, David was the chosen of God, anointed by the prophet Samuel. His name, in fact, means "beloved," and the Bible says he was "a man after God's own heart. The best way I know how to explain why God chose David is that even thru all the bad that David did, breaking every law possible, He still followed God’s will. Please note here that life was not easy, there were consequences, such as Bathsheba losing her baby. The Prophet Nathan would visit David and put it all in perspective for him. We will get into Nathan at another time.

The story of David is not only amazing but very complicated. David was in his 70’s at time of death, so think about all that happened in his life in a short period of time. I hope you will find interest in getting into the Bible and learning more about King David and how he overcame his sins. Yes, he was a guilty man, but the Lord knew the heart of this young man, and knew that He would be the chosen one to lead the Israelites. Does this mean he did not have to suffer, no of course not, there is so much more to this story. Was he free of what the scripture plainly says your place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur? “This is the second death" (Rev. 21:8). If these sins are committed we all face this death, there is only one way to get out of it and that is to be a child of Gods, to be forgiven for all your sins, to be humbled before God and most importantly to live a life after God, following His laws and being thankful. Always give Praise and Glory to God as King David did. See King David loved the Lord and ask for that forgiveness, Will You?

I ask today that if you do not know our Lord and Savior that you take time out of this earthly schedule and come before Him and ask for Him to come into your life. We all like to put off till tomorrow, but let me tell you folks, tomorrow will be a gift if it comes, you need to know Jesus today. I thank God for this brief study on King David and I ask that He allow it to bring something into your life as it has mine.

God bless you my friends.


  1. Like always Brenda awesome blog .I can say it was you that brought Jesus back into my life you have helped me so so far with your blogs babe.Please keep up the great work

  2. awesomeeeeeeeee job again Brenda and i want you to keep on writing these awesomeeee blog.HBS
