Friday, July 9, 2010

Is your house clean?

You ever wish you could just throw everything out and go shopping for all new stuff for your home. To just be able to get new carpet, have someone come in and clean all the windows, and the closets. To start with, a clean house, a new base one might say.

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, Behold all things are become new."

Things become new as we let go of the old. The former things of this life must die and be buried and stay buried. Luke 11:25 And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.

Do you ever realize how we put things off, there are dirty dishes in the sink, they are not going anywhere, I will do them later, or I really need to change the water filters so I can have pure water to drink, oh I will just pick some up at the store. I really should change the cat litter, oh but it will be ok, no one is coming over today, I will get it tomorrow. Does any of this sound familiar to you? All too many times have I put something off that I should of just done and got it over with. Eventually, all the little things pile up to a point where we can ignore them no longer. When we reach that point, it's time to grit our teeth, and get down to business.

Lately I have found that dealing with sin is quite like this, we have to start weeding thru what we are doing wrong in our lives and throwing it out so we can make room for Christ. Each day becomes a struggle, and the more you put it off the worse its going to get. Do you really have time to put such an important thing off? The more frequently and diligently we do this, the cleaner our spirit will be. If we neglect this task entirely, it will not take long before we are wading in the trash of the world, and it will just get deeper and deeper. It’s the little sins that keep eating away at us until they become so overwhelming and pushed under the rug per say. It is time to sit down and make a list of your daily chores, clean your house as if Jesus is coming to dinner. When making this list make sure you include time to go and dump your spiritual and physical sins, when driving off make sure you take nothing back with you, for once you give it to God, that’s what He does, He trashes it forever. So clean out your spirit with Jesus at hand and leave all your sin, worry and cares at the dump.

When you realize that all of us have sinned passed the point of recovery, but how blessed are we that we have a Father who loves us and forgives us just because it is His will for us. He wants you home and your spiritual home pure and clean. So take that step today to get in line with Gods will for you.

Now that you have cleaned your house, fill it with good things that will point you to God and encourage wholesome living. Consider Colossians 3:1- 2 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

God bless you as you start cleaning your house and your spirit~


  1. Awesome blog yes I do try and keep clean house and spirit as thats the way I want to have my life if at any time God wants me to come to heaven one just never knows when that day may come so i like to be ready at all times now in life.Keep up the great work Brenda.God Bless.

  2. yes i keep my clean too and its welcome all to my house so if God call me im ready to go and follow him where he takes me HBS
