Thursday, July 8, 2010

Who was Barabbas?

Dragged before the Roman governor Pilate, Barabbas was outwardly defiant but inwardly terrified. The crowd was screaming for blood--his blood. But wait. Barabbas listened again to the shouting crowd. They did not want his blood; they were demanding his freedom! Barabbas is mentioned in all four Gospels during their descriptions of the trial of Jesus. In Luke 23:19, Barabbas is listed as being in prison for murder. 7And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection.

Did you ever think about how Barabbas was the first beneficiary of the cross of Christ? In a way, his cross-had been carried by the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Barabbas became a free man, while Christ was crucified. Even as Pilate and his wife were against this all happening, the people voted differently. Pilate washed his hands of all this, he did not want to be responsible for what was about to take place. Jesus was attacked, tears run down my face as I realize once again the pain and agony that Jesus paid for you and me. This all could have been stopped, but Jesus knew He had to go thru all of this to save us for our sins… Thank you Jesus with all my heart and soul, I just thank you!

While Jesus is being beaten, where is Barabbas? Fearful that the people would change their minds, Barabbas fled into the morning, retreated to the back streets of Jerusalem, and disappeared from history.

One may ask, did Barabbas ever wonder about the innocent man who had taken his place on the cross that day -- the one who died in his place? Did he repent? Did he believe? Or did the reprieved Barabbas continue to live as a criminal? What is your thought? More importantly and all that matters is that if he got right with the man who took his place that day, Jesus Christ….

The arrest and execution of Jesus Christ was the greatest travesty of justice that has ever occurred.

Be sure to read Mark 15 to see more of this story, also you can find it in other New Testament books, such as Luke and John. Please step away from whatever you are doing and thank your Precious Father for this day, and for the beatings that He took for you and me. Once again and eternally Father I love you, and Praise you. God bless you all my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog Brenda but sad as Jesus died in place for another which as uncalled for.Keep up the great work PLEASE Brenda as God has given you the blessing to help him down here and to help all.You are awesome Brenda.
