Saturday, July 10, 2010

Taking God on Vacation

It is that time of year when I take a vacation; this time around, I am heading to Kentucky and Ohio. Looking forward to going to the Genesis Creation Museum and the Ohio zoo. I have seen pictures of the Museum and its overwhelming so I can only imagine how beautiful It will be.

There is the excitement, the thrill, the laughter, the anticipation of heading somewhere new. I am just as excited about this vacation as I was when I was a young kid, even though now is much different, as a kid we camped and played in the nearby creeks, but now I go for the resort hotel with all the amenities, without the bugs and mosquitoes. I wonder why I can’t feel this way all the time, I know that Jesus awaits my arrival in Heaven one day, but for now He has given me this earth as a huge playground of sorts. I have to make this vacation the best I have ever had here on earth, cause Gods word tells us He will return soon, just check out Revelations 22: 7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.

Do you know how we get excited for vacation because we know we get away from everything and everyone for a whole week? I was thinking about this today, when it hit me, there is one I have never ever wanted to get away from and I feel that I am so blessed that He is always with me, even on vacation Jesus will be there, to protect and guide.

If you are able go to a church and fellowship with others while on vacation you should and do not neglect reading the bible and praying too. Remember that God is permitting you to take time away from worldly things, not a vacation from Him. Remember to thank God for the beauty on the way while travelling as well as when you get there.

Tthere are many benefits to having God tag along with you on vacation, such as He will protect you and your family, if you ask Him to. He will provide you with more joy than you can make for yourself. He will help you remember your faith, so others can see Him shining through you. He will help you avoid temptations that vacation can bring. So when preparing, don’t forget to ask your best friend to go along with you. He is just waiting on you to ask.

Enjoy God’s creation. Relax and rejuvenate. Just do not leave home without the one who made it all possible. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Father, today as I prepare for vacation I step back at look at what that means and I know I don’t want to go alone, so Father will you please go on this vacation with me and remind me to look at all that surrounds me. I am so excited to know that you will be coming with me on this trip. Thank you for loving me enough to take time out for me. I love you Jesus, today, tomorrow and always forever and a day. Amen!


  1. Awesome Brenda if anyone I know you need the vacation for what you have been through this year I do hope you enjoy your time and I will have you in my heart and prayers while you are gone.God be with you.

  2. Brenda need a vacation and i know God love going to hope you both had a great time.

    Miss you at home HBS
