Sunday, July 4, 2010


Perhaps the greatest challenge to our faith and to our spiritual growth is when the storms of life begin to howl. Finding Jesus in the midst of the storm and being able to praise Him despite our pain is one of the critical steps on the journey toward growing spiritually. We might not at first consider these trials as "gifts" but these " gifts “are important in our spiritual growth if we will lean into God's purpose in them. Isaiah 48:10 Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.

I don’t know about you but I am on fire for God, and being passionate in my walk with the Lord. I know the alternative and that fire is of brimstone and Hell. We sometimes feel we are in hell now, but this is nothing compared to what the real Hell will be. See here on earth we can walk away from our mistakes and start a life anew with our Lord, asking for His divine forgiveness, once in the real hell there is no going back. The devil knows his time is very limited and as a result, he is pulling out all the stops. He is not only raging mad but he will do whatever it takes to try and beat you down and destroy those of you who are on the fence. The Lord wants us to have courage under fire. He wants us to remain obedient and faithful knowing that Satan's time to destroy is short and through the blood of Jesus Christ, we will overcome. God wants us to be extravagant in seeking His lost sheep. God wants us to rejoice in every lost person's return. God wants us to embrace his vision for our lives, which means going outside of your own home to reach the lost.

I like to look at it as an investment into my future. We spend our time, money and energy investing in a safety net for the future here on earth, but seldom think about what our future has in store for us.
I used to think it was my age, I’m getting older and maybe a little wiser, but as I watch the news, and read the paper I realize there are more and more young dyeing everyday. Was they prepared? As a parent, had you taken the steps necessary to make sure they knew Jesus Christ? In the kingdom of Heaven, God is the investor. He has placed His possessions in our hands to watch over...our time, our talents, our money, and He looks for a good return. Are you being obedient? Have you thanked God today for all that He has lent to you, including your children? Are you walking in faith and trusting God for a future with him. If not it is time you too get on fire for God and start being passionate about life and taking that walk with Him.

1 comment:

  1. You seem to bring the best out everytime in the blogs Brenda another awesome blog.God has gave us a great place to live to enjoy and to rejoice till the day he asks us to join him above.Everyone should just do that talk to God and enjoy life each day as you just do not know when you could be taken away from loved ones.Kep up the great work Brenda.
