Saturday, January 30, 2010

Living a crippled life!

Do you feel crippled, useless, uninspired?

I have a very simple basic inspiration for you today. It is as easy as sitting up straight, looking at all the possibilities that lie in front of you, finding your true purpose in life. Search for one that will benefit others as well as yourself, if you can see that far ahead. Do you feel like you can’t raise your head today, the troubles and trials are too much for you, well join the crowd we all do. I wanted to find someone in the bible who could relate to this, I found myself wailing as I was reading the book of Luke and found the awesome story of the lady who had been physically crippled for eighteen years, the word says she was bent over and unable to stand up straight, all she could see was the ground. Wow, now my own issues don’t seem to be very important, can you even imagine looking at nothing but the ground for that long. What was it that had her this way? From what I read I see she lacked in so many areas, first and foremost Trust and hope to be better. The bible reads that a spirit had crippled her, obviously a demonic spirit, and she couldn’t find hope to come out of it. Then one awesome Sabbath day she just happened to walk into the synagogue where Jesus was. (Was it really a chance meeting?) Jesus called out to her to come near Him, when she did He layed hands on her and told her she was free from the spirits, immediately she stood up straight and started praising Him. Some would say she was definitely at the right place at the right time. Just so amazing to me, just by touching her, she was healed. I want this healing today in my life; I am so tired of being crippled, I’m trusting God for His divine healing in all facets of my life today. There is a lot more to this story in the book of Luke chapter 13. And we will pursue that another day, but today I want you to release what is holding you behind, whatever has you crippled in your life, ask God to come touch you today, see you are his son or daughter just as this lady was and He wants to heal you too.

With Jesus’ help, we can raise ourselves so that our vision is upwards, to God. Jesus will release your demons today so that you too can walk upright. Open your heart and receive Him today.

I thank Him in Jesus name for you my friends and I ask that He lay hands on each of you releasing all demons, no matter of what nature they may be. I thank him ahead of time for this and all that He has in store for us in the upcoming days. Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Brenda yes there is where people are crippled and they feel helpless as i have seen it first hand ii have a sister that has been crippled all her life and she is 50 years old now so for us that are cripples for and month or so in life is very lucky and able to have God heal us to be walking and moveing as normal.I pray each day that I do not become cripple so he is able to heal others that is. Keep up the great work Brenda .
