Monday, January 18, 2010

My Prayer

This blog is of prayer. A personal moment for me.
There are circumstances in my life that I just do not seem to understand, but I know that You have a plan and purpose for them. Lord, pour the power of Your Holy Spirit upon me and bless me this evening as I prepare myself for surgery tomorrow, with the peace and comfort I need to endure through these trials I am facing. Bless me with understanding and forgive me for holding on to things that are of the past. Help me to follow your will and lead me away from all emotions that try to get me to lose my faith and trust in You. Father I have anxiousness concerning the pain I will have to endure after surgery, I lay this before you now Father and ask that you control the pain in my body for the days to come. Lord I ask blessings on my family and friends lives, I lift each of them up to you and ask for deliverance from whatever they are going thru in each of the lives right now. Give them peace and comfort and knowledge Lord, understanding and a heart to desire to follow you. Lord I am asking for a heart of peace, comfort, understanding, knowledge, love filled with your spirit to make me a better person. I thank you in advance for this life you have planned out for me, rather my days be short or long here on earth I ask that they be used for your will. I love, adore and honor you precious Father. I give you all the Glory and Praise, for you are so worthy. . In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Brenda a very nice prayer I believe the Lord will be with you in your needs.I to will be praying for you.Please tc and recover and come back soon to your blogs going to miss them big time.God Bless you.
