Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Healing with Prayer
Matthew 18:19 Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.
Healing begins within. The question is do you know how or where to start? What needs to be healed in your life?
I like to start all steps of healing for myself with the above scripture; no matter what it is I need at the time. I know I first need to get my Christian friends to pray for me and with me, because God loves when we do this and at this time His (Jesus) will shall be done.
Isaiah 53:4-5
Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.
I ask myself after reading the above scripture why would I ever question His healing in my life? Once again the scripture “oh Ye of Little Faith” comes to mind. I know I have talked about this before but the message is so important, because that’s where it all lies with us. We want to leave it with God and trust that He will heal us, and I believe that for the most part we do, I think the issue we have is that it doesn’t happen exactly AS we thought it would OR as quickly as we wanted. We forget that when we pray in unity to God through His Son Jesus Christ, it is done. So the message is walk away, leave it with Him and Trust that in His time you will receive full healing, for He already knows the plan for you.
So what do we need to get to this place in life? Proverbs 3:7-8
Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones. What do I mean here; we’ll see the evil here is not believing and trusting Jesus, which means you don’t believe He died on the cross for your sins. So first step we have to take is the first, get on our knees and ask God for His divine forgiveness and mean it, then ask God for wisdom to move forward, so that you can now give all your concern, worries and sickness over to Him. Ask your friends to pray this with you, rather in person, on the phone or computer. Let your Christian sisters and brothers help you to get where you need to be, and then reread the above scripture.
But my best friend died and we did pray, I thought you said God listens and answers our prayers, how many times have you seen or heard this? Although it may seem best for us in the moment, we do not have God's sight or wisdom to know what is truly best in the long run. See He knows us before we are born and He promised us He would not allow us to suffer anymore than we could handle. Consider, when you pray, saying to God at the end of your request, "If it's your will." I don't say it all the time because I know it in my heart. But, when I'm really struggling or questioning, I say it aloud. It reminds me that His Will is so much more important. He's wiser, bigger and far more loving than I. God still wants to hear our prayers because he loves us and wants to be in communication with us. Also, in asking God for things we desire, we remember that we depend upon Him, not ourselves. He is the giver of all that is good. And, he sometimes gets bugged by all our asking and, if it can be for the greater good, he grants it.
Luke 18: 1- 8 please take time and read this parable that Jesus used. It shows His love. Please remember the next time you feel sad or alone when a prayer you had ask was not answered the way you wanted it to be. Remember He is the Almighty I AM, He knows us and His answer to the prayer is always the right one.
I would like to thank you for allowing my prayers to come true, by being able to write these blogs I feel so full of God’s love, and I pray as time goes by that more and more will follow and enjoy my journey in going up Jacobs ladder to get to Heavens Door, See you soon, Take care and God bless each of you.
P.S. Our friend didn’t die, he/she is now living without pain, see God knew their pain was unbearable here on earth. Don’t feel sad for them, for they now live. “THEY HAVE NOW BEEN HEALED”.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Brenda as healing is done in many diffrent ways for each person but everyone starts to heal from within than can ask God for guidance and friends but most of all it is the person that must believe in all and trust all if asked for help.Awesome blog Brenda
