Friday, January 15, 2010

Best Friends

Best Friends
We all have friends in life, but do we have real friends, those that you can count on for anything, those that would drop whatever they are doing to come to you.
I have had both kinds in my life and I love and cherish each. I feel so blessed to have a couple awesome friends in my life now. True friends are rare, so be thankful when you have one and do all that you can to be true to them as well. But, also you have to remember that even Jesus’ best friend turned their backs on him, and one in particular that comes to mind is Peter. What a story, I have to share some of it with you.
Peter was one of Jesus' closest friends and disciples. Peter knew that Jesus was The Christ, Peter walked on water with Jesus, and Peter was with Jesus on the mountain of transfiguration. Peter even cut off a guard’s ear when they arrested Jesus. Jesus warned Peter that he would deny Him. But Peter bragged that he would never deny being a follower of Jesus. However, on the night that Jesus was arrested Peter broke that promise. In fact Peter broke it more than once. When the disciples ran off, Peter went to sit where he could watch where they had taken Jesus. He sat far enough away so no one would see him. Peter was very afraid and confused. He lied when a woman asked him if he was one of the men with Jesus. He said he did not even know who Jesus was. Later someone else asked him if he was with Jesus, but Peter again said he was not. The third time Peter denied knowing Jesus, a rooster crowed.
Then Jesus turned and with a hurtful heart, looked at Peter. Peter remembered that Jesus had told him "Before a rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will have said three times that you do not know me." When things go wrong, we need friends, don't we. Jesus needed friends, too! But they all ran away. And now even Peter, one of his closest friends was denying him. Peter felt so bad about what he did that he cried and cried. The wonderful thing is that Jesus forgave Peter and gave him a second chance. Because Peter was forgiven it made Peter even stronger in Loving Jesus. Peter became a mighty leader for Jesus Christ. He led many people to believe in Jesus Christ. His story continues in the book of Acts. See Peter was so excited that Jesus forgave him, that he was happy to do anything and everything he could for Jesus please note, Jesus forgave him, even though he acted like he didn’t even know him. He forgives you and me my friend.
I want to take a few minutes to ask that you let your best friend know you are there for them, as I will. Thank you for being my best friend and for loving me through everything, you know who you are. And to you Jesus, thank you for always being here for me and watching over me, you will always be my best friend.


  1. Awesome job Brenda as friends good friends are hard to come by along with friends but we all need them at one time or another.Bur Best of friends will alway be there for you when they are needed and also God.I have a dear freind that i will stand and be with her,she will always be in my heart and sole as i believe we are best of friends. Please keep up the great awesome work has helped me out a lot more than you will ever know .

  2. This is so true, sometimes we are so wrapped up in ourself that we do not even realize what we are doing to our so called friends. And how easy for Jesus to forgive his friend it is so hard sometimes to just forget. This is a very good blog and makes me think about alot of things that I and many more never really think about because we block it so that we don't have to deal with, but life is short and we all need friends here on earth as well as our friend (JESUS CHRIST)

    Nancy DeHart
