Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Gift of Tongues

Father, I thank you for getting me through this surgery that was needed. Thank you for giving me peace and warmth that only you could give, for taking the fear from my mind.
I now know there was even more reason that I could of ever imagined, as I was being taken to the operating room I was praying, little did I know I was praying out loud speaking in tongues and having a one on one talk with Jesus. I was at peace and as I told you I was so ready to come home to you. Life here has been a physical challenge for me for over a year. Even though there were difficulties during the surgery, my doctor knew where my heart was and he knew I would be ok. This is what he told me afterwards. Prior to surgery a priest from the hospital came in and had prayer with me, and gave me a picture of surgeons with Jesus standing beside them, right there to guide their hands. This just reaffirmed my faith that I knew Jesus would be there, and if it was time to go, He would be there to take me to my new home. The nurses and anesthesiologist were more concerned for they felt I was in there hands. When they couldn’t get me to breathe they felt stress and concern, for this I am sorry, I never wish harm or worry on anyone. Three times during surgery I stopped breathing, and even when they brought me to recovery they was having trouble getting me to breathe. I remember them yelling at me saying please breathe in thru your nose and out through your mouth. I thought I was, I just knew I was coughing so much. I want to thank all those that were involved in my care, with the Lords hand I am still here.

At 3:00 am I was laying here in pain, trying to figure out how I was going to get thru this next step, for my body just doesn’t like pain meds. I closed my eyes and started praying, asking God for guidance thru this time now. I cry as I try to say this. There was the most awesome light, I found myself walking so fast to get to it, when before me appeared an image with open arms, I realized it was Jesus. I ran as fast as I could to get to him, it was so beautiful. I was telling Him I would be there please wait on me. As I got closer I started seeing stars, bright stars, then they were getting darker, as I hear Jesus tell me, not right now daughter but soon I will come back for you. You aren’t alone. The stars were darker now, the sky was filled. I cried so hard. As I woke up I felt so at peace now, I knew now I could handle the pain, for Jesus would not allow me anymore than I can handle
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; Ephesians 6:18

As I was speaking in tongues to my Heavenly Father, I realized how much I love the Lord and how my faith has grown so much. His bible has told us that the ability to speak to God in tongues is a closeness that shows that we do believe and also that it is a New Testament growth. Mark 16:17 as a sign of a believer, one who would follow Him. He also told His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they had received the promise of the Father, and be endued with power from on high. Of all the nine gifts of the Spirit, speaking in tongues is the only gift not already found in the Old Testament. This is perhaps why Jesus mentions tongues as the sign of a New Testament believer. There are many people who wish Mark 16:17 wasn't there. Well, it's there. "A believer operating the manifestation of the spirit called tongues will be edified spiritually, spiritually built-up. He can operate this manifestation in two situations: in public and in private. (1) The bulk of a believer's speaking in tongues are in his own private life. As such, speaking in tongues in private will be prayer or praise to the Father and, therefore is never interpreted. This prayer and praise is spoken of as "praying in the spirit." When you speak in tongues it is the spirit in you which is in direct communication with your heavenly Father, and as such your spirit is edified. (2) A believer can speak in tongues publicly in a believer's meeting. When a person publicly speaks in tongues, he must always interpret. A public message is never a prayer however; it is a communication from God meant for the people present. Both public and private speaking in tongues are called speaking to God." I have found myself praying with others when all of a sudden the words coming out are unknowns to me but God has always given me word for the one I am lifting up. I thank God for this gift as I better understand it now. I ask God to lead, direct and move me towards fast healing so I can get back out there and do His will in my life. Prayer is important for your growth, if you haven’t received this gift, ask God for it, when your heart is willing openly to receive Gods spirit within, you too will have the same joy that I have found. God bless each of you, please continue this journey with me in receiving the other gifts God has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Brenda I as u know I also prayed for youwhile you were going through the operation.Now I pray for a full recovrey and back up doing the help with God,But please take time for it to heal proper do not rush it.Will pray for every day.I than you for a nother great blog.
