Saturday, January 2, 2010

Heaven's Angels

I find myself trying to understand the anxiousness I feel before major and not so major events in my life.
Sometimes just the thought of going to work on Mondays causes me anxiousness, is this because God isn’t with me? I think the thoughts that are running in the background of my mind hinder me from receiving. The constant self- critizing takes over, overwhelms me mentally and physically drains me before the day even begins. I wonder; where is He? Why does He allow me to be so depressed? The problem is it takes over mostly and I don’t even realize it, till it’s too late, the anxiousness has succumbed; the self hatred has consumed me. What happened to the theory that I am created in God’s image? Why don’t I feel beautiful, loved, what am I scared of...
Ever ask yourself these questions? Then, don’t feel alone, for you aren’t. We are made in God’s image...It’s the world that tells us differently. Unfortunately you can’t just snap out of it, you have to ask for guidance. For me this is where I ask God to have His angels watch over me and to help me get thru this self hatred and denial that I have created for myself. Yes I firmly believe we all have angels around us, did I make this up? No I sure didn’t. angels appeared in the bible as early as the book of genesis. Two angels appeared before Lot, they came to warn him to take his family and run or he would be lost in the city, they were his protection. Genesis 19:15. If he had not been warned he would of died along with his family. In Exodus 23:23, God sends angels before them to clear the path. Judges 13:3…An angelof the Lord appears and tells her even though you cant have children you will conceive and bear a son.
So the next time before anxiousness has time to enter my mind, I will ask the Lord to covet me with my Angels to take away any feeling of harm. If God can send angels to Lot and so many others, surely He too will send to us if only we ask.
Lord I ask that you bless all my friends and enemies alike with the covet of a guardian angel that they may receive your inheritance here on earth.Have your angels dry all their tears, and store them in Heaven to release when they come home to be with you. Restore their hearts if they are lost or hurting, restore their health if they are ill dear Lord. Bless us all with your surrounding of angels sent by you..Praise your Holy name. Amen!


  1. Nicely put Bren i to believe we have angels around us as there a God's helpers to help us along the way when needed.Keep up the great work

  2. I do believe we have angels watching over us all the I am very proud of you. just always believe. without jesus in our lives we would be nothing. love you mom

  3. For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you.' -Isaiah 41:13 I also believe there are angels that helps us through our times of needs.
