Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Did you know that laughter is only listed 42 times in the bible? That amazed me to read, because there are so many scriptures that gave reason for laughter. The good times that Jesus opened His heart and showed us all miracles. Did the people laugh at others for not believing Jesus had performed these miracles? No, of course not, they weren’t sure they believed themselves. Following I will lists some of the great times in the bible where you will see laughter was good, but also where it was used in a negative way."Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. Therefore Sarah laughed within herself…Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh" (Genesis 18:11, 12, 15).
I Think most of us would have laughed if we found out we were pregnant at 90 years of age, if grandma came home to say guess what your pa said I am going to have a baby. Why are we shocked to see Sarah did the same, even if it was inwardly, I probably would of laughed hysterically. What shocked me was the fact that she denied she was laughing. Now please remember it was her 100 year old husband Abraham that came home and told her that God had told Him he would have a son., Of course you would have laughed too. See this hurt God, for it showed Him that she didn’t believe God could do anything. Sarah’s fear showed through. This happens all the time in our lives now, we believe, but how much faith do we really have? When God says He will take care of you, if you just ask, He doesn’t want you to laugh about it, He wants you to love him and trust and believe that in Him all things are possible.
"For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool” (Ecclesiastes 7:6). Ever laugh at someone else’s failures or turmoil’s in life? This type of laughter makes you the biggest fool, because if you had Christ in your heart whole heartedly someone else’s hurts, failures would not please you but hurt you as well. So the next time you find yourself laughing at others expense, look into your heart, Ask God to intercede and forgive you, and give you help to help those that are hurting.
God will laugh when His enemies stumble and fall. "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision" (Psalm 2:4) THIS IS MY FAVORITE LAUGHTER, I CAN CLOSE MY EYES AND IMAGINE GOD SITTING ON HIS THRONE AND LAUGHING AT ALL THOSE DEVIL WORSHIPERS, MURDERERS, WHOREMONGERS, THE SADDAM HUSSEIUMS OF THE WORLD. I REMEMBER SHOUTING FOR JOY WHEN HIS STATUE CAME TUMBLING DOWN, I KNEW GOD WAS LAUGHING. Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at naught all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity" (Proverbs 1:24-26). AMEN! GOD WANTS NOTHING BUT HAPPINESS FOR ALL HIS CHILDREN, HE GIVES US EACH A CHANCE IN OUR LIVES TO COME TO HIM AND SEEK HIM IN OUR HEARTS. HE WILL FORGIVE US ALL OUR SINS; WE JUST NEED TO HUMBLE OURSELVES BEFORE HIM. Jesus said, "Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh" (Luke 6:21). Heaven is the happiest place in the Universe. Join me on this journey to laughter, deep soul laughter; the kind that hurts till tears run. Walk with Christ and all your laughter will be a good laugh!


  1. Brenda I to like you had no idea that laughter wa sin the bible only 42 times.I have laughed at other people mistakes that seem to be funny but had no idea it was not God will for us to do that but I do ask for forgivness on that in a prayer to God.The best laughter now I have is when I get to be with a very dear awesome friend and we joke around with each other and i believe that brings the best out of me so laughter does have its right place.Awesome work again Brenda please keep it up.

  2. Wow this is amazing,God wants us all to be happy an have laughter but we need to laugh for the right reason. I am guilty of laughing when I shouldn't have. This is very interesting.
