Saturday, January 16, 2010

Transfiguration of Christ

Transfiguration of Christ
When I was reading about Peter yesterday, I had remembered all about Peter walking on the water with Jesus, for I love that song, Jesus walks on the water, but I could not remember much about the transfiguration of Christ. How could I not know such an important thing? So this is why I am writing about it today. Let’s learn together. Matthew 17:1 And after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and brought them up into a high mountain apart. Let’s dissect this scripture, and see where it brings us. The Transfiguration of Jesus is an event where Jesus is transformed by His father in Heaven, where there are witnesses to this powerful event. Jesus became radiant, spoke with Moses and Elijah, and was called "Son" by God. It is one of the miracles of Jesus in the Gospels.
This miracle is unique among others that appear in the Gospels, in that the miracle happens to Jesus himself. Some considered it "the greatest miracle" in that it complemented baptism and showed the perfection of life in Heaven. Jesus tells the others that they are not to tell anyone of what they saw until he has risen on the third day. They were confused; they didn’t understand what He was talking about. What I am finding here is that the Father is claiming Jesus as His own and letting others see that He is who He has been saying He is, the Son of God. I personally have hiked to the top of a mountain before and looked down and saw all of what God has created, and how beautiful it is, but I also looked into the clouds and wondered how beautiful the Heavens must be. I would of loved to of been a witness to this transfiguration, how lucky was Peter and the others, really makes it so hard to understand just how Peter did turn his back on Jesus. To witness such a radiance of light, and wonderment of what was happening in front of him. Can you even imagine seeing the heavens opening up like that? Jesus changed that day, His body that had looked just like ours, was now different, Jesus shone now, he was lighted up as the voice from the Heavens spoke and said “He is mine now”. Leave it to Peter to have to blab his mouth; he has to say it’s good for us to be here. Then wonder where they going to rest.
But that, of course was not the point.

Jesus was facing the long journey to another mountain, where he would be
lifted higher. Jesus knew that ahead was the long walk to the cross, with all its possible escapes.
Jesus knew that he had a way out of this, but Jesus also knew that he would not take it. He knew that he would die just a few weeks from now. He knew that for you and me He would suffer, so that He could endure our pain and take our tears up to His Heavenly Father with Him, so that our days here on earth wouldn’t be so hard.
My tears now flow as I know what Jesus’ transfiguration is all about now. He no longer was an earthly man working as a carpenter, walking around spreading the word of His Father, He now was the Son of God and would now walk the rest of his days here on earth for us, and even on the cross He would say forgive them, for they know not what they do. This was for us my friends. Oh Heavenly Father I thank you and I praise you for taking that walk for me, I love and adore you all the days of my life. Please find forgiveness for this crippled soul precious Father. Find love, understanding for all those hurting, for those in other countries who are suffering from loss , Please help them to rebuild and have better than they could ever imagine, and help us all to unite as one as you did for us. I love you precious Father. Amen!


  1. Brenda just when i did not think it was possiable,you just out did yourself with the most awesome blog.I to have a better idea just how the transfiguration all went.I would like to take this time and send prays to the people in Haiti.After rebuilding I pray they have a better life style in the country.

  2. This makes alot of things clearer, we need to see and think about these things that Jesus has done for us, when we are going through rough times.

    Nancy DeHart
