Monday, January 11, 2010


I woke up today having a negative outlook on life, feeling alone not sure of what the day had in store for me. Why do I have to get out of my warm bed and go to work? Who will notice me anyway? I don’t have anything to wear that makes me feel pretty? Where does all this negativity come from? How can I ask God to help me through the day? Do you ever feel that you need or want to start over and turn the negativity into something good? I have great news for you and me, we can, if we ask for help, no not from a psychiatrist, even better, let’s see what God has to say about all this, and I bet He will help us. The Bible says in Genesis as Joseph addressed his brothers: “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good. Good example, even here Joseph is turning bad into good. If you feel others are making you have this outlook in life, maybe it is time to get new friends, distance yourself from these nay givers. Its God that is at stake. He doesn’t want His children to feel this way, He provides you with all your needs, mentally, physically, spiritually. If you ask for His leadership, you too can overcome this feeling of loss and negativity in your life. There are those that do not have God in their lives who will cause you discontentment. Why do you want them in your life, look at yourself in the mirror, do you really need to be around so much drama. Remember the devil comes in many facets and many faces; he loves to know you wake up negative, he is staring over you laughing his/her head off. Is this what you want? It’s time for me to seek out new friends who honor Christ and look forward to what He has in store for me today. The past was one minute ago, now is my future, join me in finding new friends in your life so you too can smile again and look forward to the next minute. You don’t have time to waste, for its God that is at stake. He created you in His image, so honor that. God’s blessings in your life as you take this step of positivity Amen. These enormous blessings are yours just for the asking. What are you waiting for, I just asked Jesus to be my new best friend. I am so excited to see what His kind of fun is. See you on this journey of finding your new best friend…


  1. Brenda as alaway a very awesome job but than what would i expect form u.I like in you blog was full of negativty till I went a found a true friend and was helped by thee to speak to God.Now I am very happy in life and look forward.Now lets see what tomorrow brings.

  2. Brenda, this is exactly the way I felt all week, it is time for me to find new friends and turn and walk away from the ones that were really not my true friend anyway. Thank you for helping me to see this.
