Thursday, January 7, 2010

Falling..Falling short

Have you ever found yourself falling in a dream, wake up and wonder what does that mean? Did you hit the floor, or the ground? Someone catch you? Are dreams important? Was it the food we ate or maybe our brain at work? What’s going on in your life?
Last night I was falling, I was against a wall, I knew where I was, several people had a hold on me, they kept me from hitting the floor, I felt safe, but scared, had my knees given way again? God came to mind almost immediately, was I being punished, probably not from God, maybe my own conscious taking over. As I struggle daily to do Gods will in my life, I slip, and I fall short of His expectations for me. I know He has a higher calling for me, and is trying to prepare me. I have to fall so that I can realize what it is that I am doing wrong. As I face challenges in my life, I seem to allow myself to get sad; I allow others to have control over me. In my life I have never had a fair chance in my job, I have put myself out there, learned new procedures, tried to be a people person, when I have felt like staying in a shell. I used to get so many lectures from my dad about sitting back and allowing them to get to me. I know longer have dad to talk to, now I stand up for myself and I still allow them to get to me. The only difference now is I have God to talk to. Has the situations changed, no, even recently I once again wasn’t good enough for a promotion within the company. The difference is God heard my tears; He assures me I will have a promotion, for He knows my future. Those who use us, and even abuse us, will have to answer to the same Lord I know..Maybe we won’t be around to see it, and I hope I’m not, for I don’t ever want to cause anyone pain. But, we all say when will it stop? Even our best friends abuse us, they are about their own growth, but remember God is a friend who will never abuse you, He has your back. So you say what does this have to do with falling? Well it has a lot to do with it, see with the all the let downs in my life, I feel insecure; feel alone in this world, some say I’m even depressed. Sure I have lost my self esteem, self worth, I am after all human. Do those that hurt me care? NO, but GOD does. So this too created the fall and yes people were there to catch me, those same people who hurt me. I know better, it was God who caught me. He holds me in His hands always..With his everlasting help I too will regain the respect for self I have lost, sure I will fall many more times in this life, but God will be there to pick me up. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of Glory. See God knew this from the beginning. The thing is do you know how to pick yourself up?
Our sins are a barrier between us and God. We can not know God until our sins are forgiven. Only God is sin free, merciful, loving, understanding, so this day I ask for His divine forgiveness and I ask too for forgiveness for you. I forgive you, those that cause me pain or hurt. Pick yourself up from the falls in your life, Ask God for forgiveness, He too will always pick you up. God bless each of you.


  1. Brenda i myself has sined and u know it u told me to ask god fo forgiveness and i did it he did give it. I THANK YOU FOR IT.SO please practise what you preach ask for it you will receive what you ask for from GOD I do believe it.As it did wonders for me.I to will forgive then that hurt you as i do know a few of them.Please keep up the good work and I wish u the best.

  2. This is so true, I always say why do the people that work the hardest wind up with the least. I have struggled with my job and advancements as well theres always a reason I'm not capable one of the biggest is health reasons (that will be too much pressure) but I do not stand up for myself and ask how do you know. Can I have a chance? I just keep praying for god's will.
