Thursday, January 14, 2010


I found myself in the midst of yet another disappointment today. As the tears fell I wondered just how I would get through this disappointment. What I find is the fact that I have no control over it, but one thing I soon realized was that no I don’t, but I do know someone up-close and personal that does, so I couldn’t wait to let Him know I need Him so desperately. I was in physical pain, as well as mental pain, filled with worry, and stress, just the things I have written on, and once again that little voice talks to me, “Oh ye of little faith”, don’t be scared I am here with you. Give your concerns to me and I will gladly take care of them, and wipe those tears my child. I finally felt some peace overcome me as I started wondering who in the bible felt disappointment. What I found was how I was shocked to see just how many felt the same things I did. As I study Gods word I find that Moses probably had the most disappointment. If anyone was ever faced with a repeated disappointment, it was Moses. As a baby he was rescued from death by the faith of his parents and the ingenuity of his mother. God arranged for him to be adopted by the princess of Egypt. But he spent the first formative years of his life being raised by his own parents. From them he learned of God's promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He was taught that the Israelites were God's people, chosen to bless the world, and that God would make them a nation and give them a land. Moses was never able to forget what his parents had taught him, even after he went to live with Pharaoh's daughter, his foster mother, in the palace. This double identity must have caused him a great deal of tension. As he grew, he saw the Hebrew slaves struggling under terrible bondage while he lived luxuriously, enjoying all the privileges of royalty. Finally, Moses tried to do something to help his people."When Moses was forty years old, he decided to visit his fellow Israelites. He saw one of them being mistreated by an Egyptian, so he went to his defense and avenged him by killing the Egyptian. Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was using him to rescue them, but they did not" (Acts 7:23-25).
Many years before God called him to do so, Moses longed to be a deliverer of his people. He was willing to use his power and influence to change their desperate situation. But they rejected him. In fact, he had to flee for his life from Egypt to live in the backside of the desert for another forty years after the murder incident. Talk about disappointment! Moses had two reasons to be disappointed. First, he was disappointed in people—because his expectations that his people would understand what he wanted to do for them and would accept him were not fulfilled.
Second, he was disappointed in his circumstances. After years of privilege and education in Egypt, he certainly had never dreamed that he would spend the rest of his life tending sheep in a desert. What a discouraging future! I know I am no better than Moses and I want and expect God to use me to do His work. What seemed like such a disappointment earlier today now seems so minor. I had to open my eyes and my heart today to see all the devastations going on in Haiti with the wrath of the earthquake, all the homeless, injured and dead. Sure some are seeing this as Gods work, I don’t for a second believe that, I do believe He allowed it to happen to bring a better new life to this country and to pull us nations together to live as one. Take up your disappointments today and turn them into something right, pray for Gods deliverance of all the lost souls in that country and pray for our leaders as they do Gods will and no less. I ask God for a healing hand on all those injured in this crisis, and I also thank god for giving us Moses and allowing us to have our ancestors to read about and to learn from. I ask that you be safe and free of disappointments and if not, that He will lead you through yours as He did mine today.

1 comment:

  1. Brenda first I would like to thank you for prayin fo the people in hatiti that is what they know very much.Now we all have dissappointment each and every day some of us have more than one in a day we all fall back on God to help us but ther is alway more than God to ask for help there is always friends and love ones. Please keep up the great work Brenda
    i pray more people that read you blog would comment.
