Saturday, January 9, 2010

Boss "Jesus Christ"

Boss “Jesus Christ”
Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men. Colossians 3:23
In our busy lives we seem to just go through each day, so we can get home. We forget to take time out and remember just who it is we are working for. The Lord allows for there to be leaders, we all have a boss; however; even they forget who they work for. When they become demanding we wonder who they think they are, of course they put their pants on just like you do. The problem here is that not everyone has Jesus in their heart, some give 25%, others 33%, and on a good day 50%, rarely does anyone give 100% anymore. Ever notice how quickly that changes when they are expecting higher ups to show, how now the place has to be perfect, it all starts with the leader, he starts throwing orders around, the leaders under them get on your case, it just seems to dwindle down the chain.
Do you ever wonder who the real owner actually is, why isn’t he so demanding? Why does he get to walk around and everyone .stand in fear? Wow! You would think he/she were God. The bible teaches us respect, but does it not also teach us to fear no one but the Lord. Give your elders their due respect. But what if you came to work each day and worked as if you were working for the Lord? How would you act then? Would you still give that mere 25%, or would you want to shine for him? If only, if only they would say I do a good job, or notice when I do something right? Have you ever thought about getting a new partner in life? Well why .not; I am here to offer you a partner who gives 100% all the time. He not only gives us His all, but He watches over us, some might say He is a silent partner. He is always around you, he strives on your happiness, in doing well. Why else would he give us scripture to live by?’
I was once asked, why are you always cleaning, no one visits you, well they were wrong, Jesus visits me daily, and if I can’t keep things done for him, whom else would I clean for. I don’t care what others think, even though I demand respect and I desire approval from them, I only need God’s approval of me. My best isn’t always up to par, but God knows I want to please Him.
Do your work and play as if Jesus might drop in, maybe he is a member of your team, play your best, win or lose; remember who you are working or playing for, Jesus Christ. Show compassion for others, as He does for you.
I love you in Christ and pray for you daily, please keep me in your prayers……


  1. Agaim Brenda very well put as bosses do like other we do forget who we for for.You are right there is not many that gives out what they expect to got in return.I have no doubts he answer when u pray for him and asks for guideance.Keep up the good work Brenda.

  2. This is great, we need to remember at all times we are working for the lord, give him all you got. WHAT WOULD JESUS DO!
