Friday, January 8, 2010


Many great people in the Old Testament had hard times. There were times when there was *spiritual darkness in their lives. They had doubts. They felt desperate. So, their *spiritual experience was not always easy. This fact should encourage us all.
The same thing happens to us today, at one time or another. We too, have periods of *spiritual darkness. We saw this in our study of Elijah. It was true about Jeremiah, the *prophet, too. Then there was John the Baptist. (A Baptist is a man who puts people into water to show that they want to obey God.) (Read Matthew 11:2-3 and Luke 7:18-23.) They all had times of confusion. They suffered personal pain and despair. Things affected these 3 men very much. They were very aware of their great tasks from God too.
There is an interesting event here. The *Lord Jesus asked his special friends a question. It was this. ‘Who do people say that I am?’ They had an answer for him. ‘Some say that you are Elijah. Other people say that you are Jeremiah. Or they say that you are one of the *prophets.’ (Read Matthew 16:14.) People recognised some things about Jesus. Here was another lonely *prophet. But he was a hero. He was ready to suffer for his *faith too.
Of course, we know more now. They only saw part of the truth. He was much more than a *prophet. God’s only Son had come. He wanted to help people with their very great needs. He came to die on the cross. He wanted to save us all from the results our *sins.
Even in the Old Testament they recognised that Jesus had something that was special. Sure, He was a *prophet. He cared about people, all people. However, he was willing to be completely alone, if necessary. He had a perfect message for the people; it always came straight from God. It was for everybody. He knew what God wanted for his own life too. These things were what mattered most to him. Jesus knew what was ahead; he had no doubt in what he was here to do.
Jesus always had a special friendship with his Father, God. There was no one who could ruin that. It was like this all the time while he served us here on earth, he never doubted what His Fathers plan was for him, even thought Jesus knew moments of darkness in his life too.
What makes us different? Do we have doubt? Of course we do, I doubt I can make it sometimes , but one thing is for sure, I don’t doubt God, sure I have felt He has left me alone, when things are going so wrong in my life, but one thing I have learned is I really had doubt in myself. I doubt I am good enough, I doubt that I am pretty, I doubt I will get well..all that doubt is ill placed, I want to turn it into trust, cause isn’t that what it really is? Trusting God to do what he promised, love me, take care of me. Join me; Trust the one who loves you so much that He gave us His son to live life here on earth, then to die for us. I trust you God, Thank you for loving me and giving me hope to get through all the doubt.

1 comment:

  1. So very true Brenda.As I had doubts of a relation ship I am in I pray to God today for some guidance today and after talking tonight with my love one by the time I left God and her have gave me a light into my doubts and all is going to be ok now.
