Sunday, January 31, 2010


“King Solomon”

Why King Solomon was the richest man in the Bible days and who said He was?

1Ki 3:13 And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honor: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days
Chronicles 9:22, "And King Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom."
Can you imagine, King Solomon never once asked for anything and He received it all for all his days? How wonderful is our Savior! How does he treat this and what happen to him? Wisdom, Money,
What could he be lacking?

After reading some of this great kings story I realized, wow, he had way too much to start with, he was so loved by our Father who had so many plans for him. Solomon is the son of King David, he had several siblings. His story is so interesting and so detailed that I can only surface some of the areas, please take time to read the book of kings in your bible, do some referencing. I cannot even comprehend this next statement; Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. He had his own country in his home…Pharaoh’s daughter and other well known people, Moab, Ammon, Sidon and the Hittites.

Amazingly as that is, it would be his fall as well. They would teach him to believe in other Gods. Solomon became King after his father King David died. This all happened because his mother Bathsheba enforced it before King David’s surmise. David’s fourth son believed he would be the next king, he felt he was the next heir inline. Before dying he also had his General Joab killed too for killing other generals.

One of the qualities most ascribed to Solomon is his wisdom. Solomon prays: "Give Thy servant an understanding heart to judge Thy people and to know good and evil."1 Kings 3:9 "So God said to him, "Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked..."" (1 Kings 3:11-12) The Bible also states that: "The whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart." (1 Kings 10:24)

The thing he had that was so valuable would become his worst sin; his wisdom. Solomon reigned for 40 years, he accomplished so much within that time, but he let the worldly things take over, losing him the most important gift he had, knowing that all would be torn apart, for Jesus told him this.

The Lord was angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned away from Him, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice and had commanded him concerning this thing that he should not go after other gods. But he did not keep what the LORD commanded. Therefore the Lord said to Solomon, "Since this has been your practice and you have not kept my covenant and my statutes that I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you and will give it to your servant. Yet for the sake of David your father I will not do it in your days, but I will tear it out of the hand of your son. However, I will not tear away the entire kingdom, but I will give one tribe to your son, for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem that I have chosen.

There is so much more to this story, but I wanted you to see that even though you have every materialistic thing possible, without Jesus you have nothing. Even as precious as Solomon was to God, and Solomon knew this, it still wasn’t enough for him, he had to go out and take what others had.

So all the riches in the world did nothing for his wisdom; he let women change his beliefs. Folks, you have to take care of yourself, choose your friends wisely, choose your spouse’s wisely and follow Gods commands for your life, for He will always be there for you. Do you have people in your life who are leading you astray? If so now is the time to ask God for deliverance from them. I ask God’s blessings on each of your lives with the wisdom to do what’s right in Gods eyes. Amen!

When you think of Jesus, do you think of life?
Make the most of today, for today is life,
Yesterday is a faint light after the darkness
Life should be the most important thing,
Choose life with Jesus, life remains

How you live your life is your choice
Should you live forever is also your choice
Choosing eternal life however is what lies within
Living the Life Jesus chooses for you, is your choice
Choose life with Jesus, life remains

People will remember you for what you have
Jesus will give you what you need
People will come and go in your life
Jesus will remain through thick and thin
Choose life with Jesus, life remains

If anything is worth having, one must work hard
Choosing your friends starts with you
If she/he pushes your towards Jesus, then they are true
Choose wisely; be a friend that leads not follows
Choose life with Jesus, life remains

Blessed are those that think of Jesus
Those that live their life as if it were their last, with Jesus in mind
Blessed are those that chose Jesus as their best friend
Choose an eternal life with your best friend
Choose life with Jesus, life remains

Written by Brenda Redmond
January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Living a crippled life!

Do you feel crippled, useless, uninspired?

I have a very simple basic inspiration for you today. It is as easy as sitting up straight, looking at all the possibilities that lie in front of you, finding your true purpose in life. Search for one that will benefit others as well as yourself, if you can see that far ahead. Do you feel like you can’t raise your head today, the troubles and trials are too much for you, well join the crowd we all do. I wanted to find someone in the bible who could relate to this, I found myself wailing as I was reading the book of Luke and found the awesome story of the lady who had been physically crippled for eighteen years, the word says she was bent over and unable to stand up straight, all she could see was the ground. Wow, now my own issues don’t seem to be very important, can you even imagine looking at nothing but the ground for that long. What was it that had her this way? From what I read I see she lacked in so many areas, first and foremost Trust and hope to be better. The bible reads that a spirit had crippled her, obviously a demonic spirit, and she couldn’t find hope to come out of it. Then one awesome Sabbath day she just happened to walk into the synagogue where Jesus was. (Was it really a chance meeting?) Jesus called out to her to come near Him, when she did He layed hands on her and told her she was free from the spirits, immediately she stood up straight and started praising Him. Some would say she was definitely at the right place at the right time. Just so amazing to me, just by touching her, she was healed. I want this healing today in my life; I am so tired of being crippled, I’m trusting God for His divine healing in all facets of my life today. There is a lot more to this story in the book of Luke chapter 13. And we will pursue that another day, but today I want you to release what is holding you behind, whatever has you crippled in your life, ask God to come touch you today, see you are his son or daughter just as this lady was and He wants to heal you too.

With Jesus’ help, we can raise ourselves so that our vision is upwards, to God. Jesus will release your demons today so that you too can walk upright. Open your heart and receive Him today.

I thank Him in Jesus name for you my friends and I ask that He lay hands on each of you releasing all demons, no matter of what nature they may be. I thank him ahead of time for this and all that He has in store for us in the upcoming days. Amen!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Jacobs story-part two

Follow-up to Jacob’s story:
Jacob would go on to be the father to twelve sons whose descendants became the twelve tribes of Israel. God made promises to Jacob that he would provide for every important issue in his life. This didn’t come easy for Jacob however, but only because of his own actions. Jacob lived a life of turmoil within because of his actions, even though he knew because we think his mother told him that God had said he would inherit the Promise. (Gen 25:23)
Jacob relied on his own tricks to "replace” his older brother Esau. He took advantage of Esau's hunger to retrieve his birthright for a bowl of soup (25:29-34) and he resorted to gross deception to trick Isaac into passing the inheritance to him (27:1-40).

Does this sound familiar to you, how we all want what we think we rightly deserve, but are you willing to be this deceptive to get it?

Well if you continue with the story in vs. 41-45 you will see that Jacob got what he wanted, but! Esau was so enraged that he decided to kill Jacob, so he had to flee for his life to his uncle Laban's.
While on his way to his uncles God came to him in the form of a dream. In that dream, he reiterated the Promise and also promised to Jacob that he would protect him while he was gone and bring him back safely. Read that again, God was still going to protect him as He had promised. Chapt 28:13-15. We are still in the book of Genesis. Jacob's response in vs.26 showed he was living his life by his own resources, apart from anything God had showed him.
When Jacob got to Laban's land, Jacob fell in love with Laban's daughter Rachel, so he hung around a month instead of the few days he had planned. Little did he know he had met his match, Laban was very manipulative. Laban noticed this, and took advantage of it to get seven years of service for her hand. When the seven years are over, Laban took advantage of Jacob's excessive partying at the wedding feast to smuggle his older daughter Leah into bed with Jacob. When Jacob woke up the next morning, "behold, it was Leah!" Jacob was furious: "What is this you have done to me? . . . Why then have you deceived me?" (kinda funny after what he had done to his own brother) Laban insisted on seven more years labor for Rachel. After those seven years, Jacob and Laban then spent six more years trying to screw each other over who would get the biggest portion of their flocks. (I laugh so hard when I read this because I have seen this kind of stuff in my everyday life at work.)
So because of his own scheming, Jacob successfully turned a few weeks into twenty years. He wound up fleeing for his life from his father-in-law and once again God comes to his side to prevent his father-n-law from killing him.
On his way back home, Jacob realized that he had to travel through Esau's land. God spoke to Jacob again and promised to be with him (31:3). He followed this promise up by sending some angels to reassure Jacob of his protection (32:1, 2).
But Jacob was still scheming rather than trusting. He sent some of his servants to bribe Esau with schmoozing and the hope of gifts (32:3-5). But they returned with news that sent chills down Jacob's spine--Esau was coming to see him with 400 men! For the first recorded time in the text, Jacob prayed to God for protection (32:9-12). But then he came up with a scheme to buy Esau off. (32:13-20).
Alone that night before he had to face Esau, Jacob had an encounter with God that would change his life…
Genesis 32:24-30. God initiates a wrestling match to portray Jacob's life up to now, and to teach him a crucial lesson. Jacob responded by fighting back all night long (32:24). What a portrait this presented, this was perfect presentation of how Jacobs relationship with God had been this entire time. Was it really Esau or Laban that Jacob was resisting? Or was it really God himself? God had a will for Jacob's life and made promises to him pertaining to that will, but Jacob was stubborn always resisting God's leadership at every step.
After wrestling all night, God dislocated Jacob's thigh with a touch (32:25). This showed Jacob who he was fighting with. God had been taking more drastic steps to help Jacob abandon his self-sufficiency and put his trust in Him.
Now crippled, Jacob can only hang on to God (I would of loved to of had a picture of this moment) Now that Jacob's attitude is expressed in a dependent posture, God blessed him and renames him to cleanse him from his old ways and give him a new identity to live up to. God has always been willing to bless Jacob. He has only been waiting for Jacob to ask with a trusting, dependent heart.
Jacob had finally opened his eyes, he had learned the hard way. The next morning, he dropped all his crazy plans and decided he would go ahead of everyone and meet his brother. (33:3), trusting God's promise to protect him. He discovered that Esau had forgiven him, and he went on and followed through his life showing Godly leadership to his family.
It's not so much that we doubt that a personal God exists or that he has a will for our lives. We all know this, ok most of us do, but we too are stubborn and sometimes refuse to listen with both our ears open, we forget to clean the wax build up out, we forget to obey and we make it harder on ourselves, oh how we thrive on being independent. After reading about Jacob I am personally ready to turn all my dependency over to my Heavenly Father. I hope you will sit and talk with God and find direction for your life.
Thank you for following this story, please don’t let this be the only study you get on Jacob however, for there is so much more. Bless each of my followers.

Dysfunctional Family

Dysfunctional Family
I know there are many of you out there that come from a very dysfunctional family, and some of you still are living in this environment. For those of us that had normal families it isn’t as easy for us to understand. I have a very young friend who has lived in an unstable environment her entire life. Fortunately she got to know Jesus during her trials and was able to follow Him, till recently and things have become very hard for her. So before I start this I would like to Ask for some answers for my friend from God. Lord I raise her up to you and ask for peace for her young heart, give her direction and Lord help her to feel she belongs, she is loved by many, unfortunately Lord we can’t give her the same kind of love that she needs, so I ask that you take over where we can’t go. Lord give me direction as I write this blog so that it is of you and give understanding to all those that will read. I thank you in Jesus name. Amen!
As I was researching Gods word I was reading a story about a very dysfunctional family and that is Jacob’s family. I hope you too will get some fulfillment out of his story.
Jacob came from such a dysfunctional family that he grew up being a very manipulated man, let’s see who Jacobs family is and where this all began. In the book of Genesis you can read so much about this family. Jacobs’s dad was Isaac and his mother Rebekkah. What I found interesting in those days was that men didn’t go seeking a wife, they would meet them at either a well or a spring. Well not Isaac let’s say Isaac was lazy or passive, he sent a servant to the well for him and had her brought back to him. To make a long story short Rebekkah ended up being in control in their marriage, In Genesis 3:16 you will see that it is a woman’s desire to take over when the man does not lead, she wants to rule the man, and because she knows he will eventually rule over her. Rebekkah was a woman who would have many problems and difficulties. When she bore twins, she automatically was partial to Jacob, because he seemed to be the weaker of the two. Genesis 25:27 tells us that Isaac just wanted to spend all of his time at home, so this was the perfect opportunity for his mother to control his life and make choices for him. You might say a momma’s boy, she taught him how to cook, she made sure he would get the blessings and she even later on in his life made sure he would be delivered from Esau by letting her brother Labn take him. I come to the conclusion that Rebekkah was like she was because she too came from a controlling family. From the beginning her marriage was arranged by the servant and Rebekkah’s were made with Laban. Well I got confused here, why would this happen, her father was still living (Bethuel) but it does say her father gave his permission but yet he didn’t make the negotiations himself he let the servant (who is Abrahams servant). This tells me that her family wasn’t very involved in her life, so she had to take care of herself, so now she was very controlling with her own kids and husband. Isaac’s brother is Esau, he was never home much, he was a hunter, so he spent most of his time away from home, leaving the responsibilities’ of caring for the sheep and other chores to Isaac. You might say Esau lived for himself, he did want to please his father when it came to choosing a wife, he didn’t follow the laws of God he married a daughter of Ishmael which was a foreigner.
Jacob is just normal, where his brother was a man of the world, he cared about worldly things. So you ask why this makes this a dysfunctional family. Throughout Jacob’s life Isaac was favored by his dad, his dad loved that Esau was a hunter, something he had always wanted to be, he just saw Jacob as the weak one. Do you think Esau loved this, well the bible tells us he didn’t in Genesis 25:34 “Thus Esau despised his birthright”
You need to remember though that Jacobs mother had taught him about Jesus and he was blessed from the beginning, so in the long run did weakness make him stronger? If you continue to the next chapter in Genesis you will see that what God did for Isaac, as well as what happened with Jacob. This story of Jacob is so amazing in the sense that even though he comes from a dysfunctional family he had Gods promise from the beginning that he would inherit the Promised Land. This story I will continue for I am as curious as you are as to what happens in-between, I will tell u it goes so far that Isaac wanted to kill Jacob. As the bible tells us you should never show favoritism, for each of us is created equal as I wrote about earlier in the week. So if you are raising a family and find yourself being unfair to one or more over your favorite please take time and pray to God about this and please pick up your bible and read this entire story, for its one of the most fascinating in the Bible. I WILL PICK UP TOMORROW WITH THIS FASCINATING STORY; FOR THIS IS WHERE God leads me. I look forward to learning with you, God bless all that read this.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Do you want to take the necessary steps to get closer to our eternal Father?
What if you could ask Jesus for a fresh start? Well, my friend you can, the big question is are you ready for such a commitment?
Let’s look at steps to take to start this new journey. Ephesians 4:14, 15 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 15But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
Be no longer children, but grow up in Christ. I know what you are thinking, hey I’m not a child, I’m 50 years old, how can I start over, Will God give me another chance to grow up? Just as a child needs to do certain things to grow physically, so Christians need certain kinds of activities to grow spiritually.
If we want to enter the kingdom of Heaven we must be willing to being committed to first of all obeying Gods commandments.
If you break one, you have broken all in Gods eyes., however if you have already done so as we all have, God will forgive you, but don’t sit back and think you can continue to do so now that you know it is wrong.
We have to remember that breaking the commandments result in eternity in hell; however we have to remember Jesus died on the cross for all our sins. God Himself already paid the price in full for you. What love God must have for us! He suffered an agonizing death, so that you wouldn't have to be punished for your sins. His sacrificial death and resurrection means that you need no longer be in debt to the Law; and God can now grant you everlasting life if you obey Him. Death no longer has a legal hold on those who belong to Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 53:5 He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed"
Follow these simple steps to retrieve your spirituality:
1. Read the Bible…one scripture at a time or one chapter, find a study partner. Use your computer, find a great bible study course (get a good study bible, English version will help you) I suggest kjv in english.
2. Find a church and attend regularly, it is important that you find one that you feel you can get Gods Holy Spirit in.
3. Get involved with other Christians, rather in a church group or another ministry.
4. Pray daily and often…Prayer is simply talking to God. You don’t have to use big fancy words. There are no right and wrong words. Just be yourself. Give thanks to the Lord daily for your salvation. Pray for others in need. Pray for direction. Pray for the Lord to fill you daily with His Holy Spirit. There is no limit to prayer. The Lord’s Prayer; Matthew 6:9-15 (is the best example to follow: just don’t get into repetition; God wants you to talk to Him as your best friend. Why not text your best friends (Jesus) tell Him what’s going on with you today! Even if you have to delete he read it and knows it was from your heart.
Jesus did the hard part for us, so now it’s up to you and me to follow these simple steps and get our spirituality back. Follow the laws he put out there for you. I ask in Jesus name for His blessing on us as we start immediately to walk in His name. Amen

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Healing with Prayer
Matthew 18:19 Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.
Healing begins within. The question is do you know how or where to start? What needs to be healed in your life?
I like to start all steps of healing for myself with the above scripture; no matter what it is I need at the time. I know I first need to get my Christian friends to pray for me and with me, because God loves when we do this and at this time His (Jesus) will shall be done.
Isaiah 53:4-5
Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.
I ask myself after reading the above scripture why would I ever question His healing in my life? Once again the scripture “oh Ye of Little Faith” comes to mind. I know I have talked about this before but the message is so important, because that’s where it all lies with us. We want to leave it with God and trust that He will heal us, and I believe that for the most part we do, I think the issue we have is that it doesn’t happen exactly AS we thought it would OR as quickly as we wanted. We forget that when we pray in unity to God through His Son Jesus Christ, it is done. So the message is walk away, leave it with Him and Trust that in His time you will receive full healing, for He already knows the plan for you.
So what do we need to get to this place in life? Proverbs 3:7-8
Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones. What do I mean here; we’ll see the evil here is not believing and trusting Jesus, which means you don’t believe He died on the cross for your sins. So first step we have to take is the first, get on our knees and ask God for His divine forgiveness and mean it, then ask God for wisdom to move forward, so that you can now give all your concern, worries and sickness over to Him. Ask your friends to pray this with you, rather in person, on the phone or computer. Let your Christian sisters and brothers help you to get where you need to be, and then reread the above scripture.
But my best friend died and we did pray, I thought you said God listens and answers our prayers, how many times have you seen or heard this? Although it may seem best for us in the moment, we do not have God's sight or wisdom to know what is truly best in the long run. See He knows us before we are born and He promised us He would not allow us to suffer anymore than we could handle. Consider, when you pray, saying to God at the end of your request, "If it's your will." I don't say it all the time because I know it in my heart. But, when I'm really struggling or questioning, I say it aloud. It reminds me that His Will is so much more important. He's wiser, bigger and far more loving than I. God still wants to hear our prayers because he loves us and wants to be in communication with us. Also, in asking God for things we desire, we remember that we depend upon Him, not ourselves. He is the giver of all that is good. And, he sometimes gets bugged by all our asking and, if it can be for the greater good, he grants it.
Luke 18: 1- 8 please take time and read this parable that Jesus used. It shows His love. Please remember the next time you feel sad or alone when a prayer you had ask was not answered the way you wanted it to be. Remember He is the Almighty I AM, He knows us and His answer to the prayer is always the right one.
I would like to thank you for allowing my prayers to come true, by being able to write these blogs I feel so full of God’s love, and I pray as time goes by that more and more will follow and enjoy my journey in going up Jacobs ladder to get to Heavens Door, See you soon, Take care and God bless each of you.
P.S. Our friend didn’t die, he/she is now living without pain, see God knew their pain was unbearable here on earth. Don’t feel sad for them, for they now live. “THEY HAVE NOW BEEN HEALED”.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Revelation 21:4 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, Psalm 56:8 says. “Record my lament; list my tears on your scroll — are they not in your record?” While not specific to women, it does say that God counts all our tears. Neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
“There are two places in the Revelation where God wipes away the tears of His people. One is in Rev. 7:17 and pertains to Tribulation Martyrs newly arrived in Heaven, and the other is in Rev. 21:4 speaking of believers in the New Jerusalem at the beginning of the Millennium. In both cases we are to know there will be no more tears once we pass to Heaven. In the New Testament while there are a number of references to weeping which must include tears, there are, in the life of Jesus only three references to tears as such.
The first is the noun tears that occurs twice, and the second the verb-version of the same word, which we might translate shed-tears. The Woman who anointed Jesus (Luke.7:38, 44)
She stood behind him [Jesus] at his feet, weeping, and began to bathe his feet with her tears and to dry them with her hair. Then she continued kissing his feet and anointing them with the ointment. Jesus later explained the situation to his host -
"...she has bathed my feet with her tears...her sins, were many, have been forgiven; hence she has shown great love."
Jesus in Gethsemane (Hebrews 5:7-8a)
In the days of his flesh,
Jesus offered up prayers and supplications,
with loud cries and tears,
to the one who was able to save him from death,
and he was heard because of his reverent submission.
Although he was a Son,
he learned obedience through what he suffered
Jesus before raising Lazarus (John 11:33-36)
This has the verb-form of tears
When Jesus saw her [Mary] weeping, and the Jews…also weeping, he was greatly disturbed in spirit and deeply moved. He said, "Where have you laid him?" They said to him, "Lord, come and see." Jesus began to weep. So the Jews said, "See how he loved him!"
I wanted to write on tears today because I have been faced with many lately, for different reasons, so I wanted to see how Jesus had dealt with tears while He was here on earth. Some good tears, others pleading for us and Himself. Have you ever just sat and cried, not knowing why? I have, and at the time I didn’t have a clue as to why, but later after I had got through it I was able to reflect and find the reasons. I do ask Jesus all the time to please keep count of my tears for I know my buckets are overflowing and what an awesome feeling knowing that they will be dumped as soon as I cross through the gates of heaven. God stores our tears, I like to tell people that every time it rains someone else just crossed over to heaven. I find this also helps me through the rainy gloomy days.
If you ever had trouble believing Jesus came back as a human, you need to pick up the bible and read the over 200 times that Jesus cried. Most of those were for us, and when He went to that cross, there would be no more tears for Him. As He has promised us, He will allow suffering and pain and tears here on earth, but He will not permit them in Heaven, your spirit will be renewed. For me this is always a time that I never understand where the tears come from, when I am in prayer and the Lords spirit takes over my body, I always seem to come out of prayer crying, but a tear of relief.
So the next time you find yourself crying, ask yourself why? Reflect on those tears, pray about them, then ask God to store them for you and to help you get through the situation you are going through, and maybe it’s something simple or even the death of a loved one. My Jesus can turn those tears into smiles…I praise you Father and I ask for Healing for all those that are reading this blog and I ask for their tears be stored to be released when they get home to you. Amen

Monday, January 25, 2010


How do I receive salvation?
Salvation cannot be bought. We have to reach out to Jesus and ask for forgiveness for all our sins. We have to go to the most inner self within and relinquish our souls to God. There is nothing you can do to earn salvation. You must be saved by the grace of God, in receiving him (the Lord) you have to be willing to give over all your sins and trust in Him always. Does this means you will never sin, no, of course not for as we have shared before in Romans 3:23, For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Every one of us is a sinner. Every one of us has come short of God's glory. No one but Jesus Himself is sin free.
Jesus chose to give us salvation when He gave His life on that cross, when He asked that we must come through Him to get to His Father. Do we deserve His salvation, NO, we don’t for we consistently sin, we deserve to be punished, but what you need to see is that Jesus wants to give us salvation, He desires this, it’s our choice rather we will ever receive it.
If you want to have Jesus Christ in your life and receive His salvation, you will need to do the following things. I hope you will join me today in accepting His salvation for us.
1. Trust In Christ
Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In order to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you must repent of your sins and put your trust in Jesus Christ alone if you have any hope of eternal life.
2. Repent
The Bible teaches us that all people “must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus” (Acts 20:21b). When we repent of our sins, God forgives us and wipes our slate clean. “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out” (Acts 3:19a). Repentance is more than just asking God for forgiveness, it is also changing our attitude toward sin. We must now live in a way that is pleasing to God.
3. Believe “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).
“You must confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, to be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved” (Romans 10:9-10). When you put your trust in Jesus Christ, it means that you believe that He is the Son of God, who died for you on the cross and rose from the dead. It is a transfer of trust from your own good works or religion to Christ as the only way of salvation.
“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).
What are the results of our salvation?
God’s Promise of Eternal Life
Jesus said in John 5:24 “I tell you the truth; whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.”
Do you have a desire to have a relationship with God? Will you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today? Don’t waste any time, get on your knees now and ask God for eternal life through Jesus Christ.


Favoritism 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

I have spent most of my life feeling like my parents; especially my mother didn’t feel the same passion or love for me that she has for my brother and sisters. It has always felt like I might have been adopted, an outsider even. I have told my mother this recently even. As I was preparing for surgery, I wondered who would go and be with me, there was some dispute as I felt outraged inside when mom kept saying if you need me I will be there, I didn’t feel I needed to ask her or any of my family members, this was major surgery and for once I wanted to know they were in waiting room waiting on me to return. I asked when I returned after a difficult surgery if my mom was there, the answer was no. So once again, I felt so unloved. The question I guess is not that mom loves me; it’s that I feel she favors others more. Some part of me understands this for she has many kinds each with different needs; I have always been pretty self-sufficient, even as a young child. Does this make it right though. Well, I decided I would find out what Jesus thought about this, and here is what I found.
Acts 10:34
So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality,
Genesis 37:4
It is dangerous and unwise to show favoritism in a family. It's in the Bible, Genesis 37:3-4, "Now as it happened, Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other children, because Joseph was born to him in his old age. So one day Jacob gave him a special gift—a brightly colored coat. His brothers of course noticed their father's partiality, and consequently hated Joseph; they couldn't say a kind word to him."
But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peacefully to him.
Romans 2:11
For God shows no partiality.
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
James 2:9
But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
Favoritism devalues people for whom Christ died and indicates an ignorance of God's values this can be found in the book of James chapter 2.’’ The word talks about different kinds of favoritism’s but in God’s eyes they are all the same, and not from Him. So if you find that you treat others better than some, or you look at some differently, maybe it’s time for you to get on your knees and ask God for deliverance from this, for He created us all equally. It is unfortunate in this day and age that we have those that have less than others, but it is not our place to condemn them for their misfortune in life, in fact it’s our place to help them get through their trying times. If someone in your family treats you differently than others, please speak to them, maybe they don’t realize they are doing so. And maybe they do realize it, don’t give up on them, lift them to our Father and ask Him to first of all to give you a forgiving heart and understanding. After you have given it to your Heavenly Father you see no change in their behavior towards you, leave it with God, and continuously pray for them. But please deliver yourself from this feeling. Love them unconditionally, especially if it’s your parent as in my case, for Gods scripture does tell you to Honor you mother and Father.
My mother is a beautiful precious woman who I adore and admire, but she too is human and sometimes overlooks the important things in life. So Father in heaven today I am praying for my mother, I am asking for guidance in her life, Father I am asking for love for my mother, and most importantly Father help my mother to find a peace within herself, help her to see just how much her kids have loved her over the years, through the loss of our dad and some bad judgments she made, we stood behind her, even when she don’t remember. But give her this feeling of love, give her compassion Father. Lord I often tell my mom she never smiles she always seems mad or angry at the world, please let her overcome this, I would love more than anything Father to see my mother laugh and smile and to be happy. As you know Lord she has lived a very trying life and has went through so much, but as we know Lord you have pulled her through it all from losing a child to losing her husband and parents. Now please give her strength and wisdom and realize that we are still living and we need her. Please let her know we all love her. Thank you Father for my mother. Amen
I write this today to let you know we all have things in our life that are hard to overcome and to bear, but never once does God leave us. He is a patient, loving, gracious Father; He treats us all equally, never once showing favoritism...Take today and reflect on what you are doing in your life and how you are treating others.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Who is Joshua, from where did He come? My nephew’s name is Joshua; my sister had told us that she named him from a biblical name.
• This was good enough for me, we all want our kids to be children of the bible, but did she really know who Joshua was and how he got his name.
See Joshua in the bible wasn’t born as Joshua, he was Hoshea,(numbers 13:8) born as a slave in Egypt. Hoshea stood for salvation; one would think this was a good name. Hoshea was born about 40 years before the Exodus. Hoshea came from the tribe of Ephraim as the son of Nun. During this time Moses was considered Israel’s lawgiver, laws which God had given (ex. Ten Commandments). Moses was a powerful man; he would rename Hoshea, calling him Joshua for the meaning of Joshua is “The Lord is Salvation” (Num 13:8). Joshua would go on and be the greatest military leader in all Bible history. Joshua was very close to Moses, so much so that he was permitted to accompany Moses part of the way up Mount Sinai when Moses received The Ten Commandments. Joshua would even be one of the twelve that Moses would send out to explore the land, with only Joshua and Caleb bringing back good reports. "After the death of Moses the servant of The Lord, The Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses' aide: "Moses My servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them - to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates - all the Hittite country - to the Great Sea on the west. No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them." (Joshua 1:1-6)
Don’t forget also that Jesus had Moses lay hands on Joshua, this is very important, for Joshua had the Lords blessings. To me this is how he was able to get through all that he would endure.
Joshua died at the age of 110, 25 years after entry into the Promised Land. Please take time and read all about Joshua. I ask the Lords blessings on my nephew’s life and ask for the Lords will in his life and that the Lord uses him as he used Joshua. Guide and direct our Joshua as he works with your children Father, I love you Father in Jesus name, Amen!

White Horses

“The White Horses”
The last few days I have had the horses on my mind, this morning I ask why? What do you want me to know Precious Father? What am I to learn? So I will now turn to the book of Revelation where I remember there are all kinds of animal and I do remember their being horses. I ask Jesus for his divine spirit to flow through me and give me understanding and great knowledge as I read and research, for this feels so heavy for me. I thank Jesus also for being with me every second as I continue healing, even as the pain feels unbearable today I know He is here. Thank you precious Father for those that take time to read these blogs and most importantly I ask that you let them learn and want to turn to your book for their answers, and that they too will be a follower of your good Jesus Name, Amen!
(Revelation 19:11-16)
"I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has a name written on Him that no one knows but He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His Name is The Word of God. The armies of heaven were following Him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On His robe and on His thigh He has this name written: KING of kings and LORD of lords."
The book of Revelation speaks of two white horses, but this white horse is the one that got my attention. Just think we have this to look forward to, or to dread. Oh I look so forward to the day the Lord returns on His white horse, when He comes to put an end to all the war here on earth in the battlefield and in our homes.
But wait, this isn’t the message God has for me to give to you, keep reading He tells me.
And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying,
Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God: 2 for true and righteous are his judgments; for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. Deut. 32:43
Revelation 19
And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.
And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.
And a voice came out of the throne, saying,
Praise our God, all ye his servants,
and ye that fear him, both small and great. Ps. 115.13
And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, Ezek. 1.24 and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come and his wife hath made herself ready.
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. After this came the marriage supper of the Lamb, then came Our Heavenly Father on the White horse.

You ask why we needed this. I ask till I started typing from the pages of the bible. I noticed one thing that went throughout the different scriptures. They praised and worshiped Him. Tears are flowing as I realize I don’t give Him enough praise or worship. I don’t need to wait for His return to Praise Him or bow down before Him. He is reminding me here that He is the Mighty I am, the King of Kings, love Him now, get to know Him better and worship, worship and worship even more. When He is ready, not us He will return to get us. For awhile now I have been very down with life and myself, but now I understand. This has been bothering Him as much as me. He created me, why are you so unhappy in what I have Give you, saith God, why can’t you love yourself as I love you. I chose to create you, to make your inner soul and most importantly Brenda I need you to go out and spread my news for I will come back to bring you to be with me soon my child. Be patient as I have to finish preparing a place. I love you my daughter and I love all my children equally, so let them know to Praise me now, for I died for each and every one of you to have closer to me when I return. I will see you soon. Amen! The spirit has taken over so I must close now. I hope you too get His powerful message today.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Where is Gethsemane?
This is the place where Jesus went and prayed about his most difficult decision He would ever have to make. Should He allow them to capture Him and take the blame for something he didn’t do or would He allow the angels to intercede and take Him?
On the night before he was crucified, Jesus was in great danger. Judas, one of the twelve disciples, had left the Passover meal and went out to betray Jesus. Judas went to accept a bribe of thirty pieces of silver in return for telling the priests where they could find and arrest Jesus. Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane, just outside of Jerusalem, to pray. He was feeling very sad. It was here that the greatest battle by a single person was ever fought. When was the last time you found your Gethsemane and got alone with God and asked Him to allow His will in your life? Did you follow through or did you run away? When we are going through difficult times we need to turn our troubles over to God, sometimes you need to pray more than once, just as Jesus prayed three times to His Father when making the biggest decision of his life. Of course He didn’t want to go through all the pain and suffering He faced, but He knew His Father would be with him as he walked towards the cross. Even as Judas turned Him in to the army that came after Him, Jesus was given the opportunity to call on an army of angels, but His mind was already made up, He would die on the cross for us. I was so amazed to read that when Judas kissed him on the cheek, When Jesus asked the soldiers who they were looking for and they said we are looking for Jesus of Nazareth He (Jesus) spoke up and said I am Jesus of Nazareth. Would you of turned yourself in if you were innocent? Jesus not only told who He was, but He did it with such a force that the bible tells us the some of the army of men, fell over. Did you know that Jesus even then asked one thing; to let everyone else go, see even here He was looking out for us.
Jesus is still sought after by some of us. He loved us so much that day in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus is the mighty I am, He can still be found, no matter where you are. If you are facing pain today or trouble, just remember what Jesus did, He prayed! Seek Him today; give all your worries over to Him.
In a vision I was standing at a well, was lost and all alone when I looked over I was in Gethsemane, the figure I saw told me to come closer, I was scared, but soon I realized it was Jesus in the garden reaching for me to come nearer, His outstretched arms were so comforting I moved closer, at this time He showed me the Dwelling place, a place where He would send me to be filled with His spirit. You say there are no wells in Gethsemane, I soon found out there was a big hole in this Gethsemane, the water is running dry, but the Spirit moves. Will He send me back to this Dwelling place? Will the water of Christ be filled with His precious blood again? Lord I ask that you send me to the Gethsemane that is filled with your precious blood and the well is running, where no army can enter nor harm your children.
I love you Precious Father in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name.
—1 Peter 4:12-14, 16
What an awesome scripture. I woke in pain, to me it was unbearable, and it took all I had in me to get sit up as I tried to make it to the bathroom. I wondered how did Jesus endure all the pain and suffering here on earth that was put upon him. Even though we can’t understand we can surely appreciate just how much Jesus was willing to withstand for us. We shouldn’t feel ashamed when we are put through trials, temptations and sufferings in our life if we are living these through Jesus Christ, for He will be with us as we are tested, He will pick us up and dust off the wrong doings and take all our sufferings away.
After feeding the five thousand, Jesus sends his disciples ahead of him in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. Several hours later in the night, the disciples encounter a storm. Jesus comes to them, walking on the water. This terrifies the disciples and they think they are seeing a ghost. Jesus tells them “Take courage! It is I. don’t be afraid."
Peter replies, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." So Jesus invites Peter to come. Peter gets out of the boat and begins walking on the water toward Jesus. But when Peter takes his eyes off Jesus and sees the wind and waves, he begins to sink. Peter cries out to the Lord and Jesus immediately reaches out his hand and catches Peter. As they climb into the boat together, the storm ceases. Then the disciples worship Jesus, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."

The disciples, even though they have spent much time with Jesus, don't recognize him in the storm. Find this story in the book of Matthew, chapter 14.

Sometimes we don't recognize the Lord when he comes to us in the middle of our "storms." Does this sound familiar to you? It sure does to me, about a month ago I wouldn’t of recognized Jesus if He had been sitting beside me, you ask why? Let me tell you, I was so lost in my own suffering and self pity that I couldn’t see past that. I had got so tired of people telling me things were going to be ok, how did they know, it surely wasn’t because they lived for Jesus, if they did, they weren’t showing this behavior so why would I believe anything they said. It took me having to get so low that all I wanted was to run and run till there was no turning back, sure I just wanted to die. Now I ask what would that of accomplished, sure maybe a few might miss me, but who did I need to miss me, who was I missing in my life? It wasn’t anyone here on earth, it was Jesus, and I had walked away from Him once again.

Did you notice how Peter doesn't begin to sink until he starts looking around at the wind and the waves? How his faith weakened and he took his eyes off of Jesus. The same happened to me, I lost focus, all I saw was pain and suffering, not the healing and what would lay ahead for me. I let the situation get me down, but one thing I remembered to do was to cry out to my savior, I needed Him to pick me back up and hold me. And Jesus held me tightly and has never let go.

As you will find when you read this wonderful story in the Bible the waters calmed when Jesus got in the boat. Have you allowed Him to come aboard in your life? If not I beg of you to reach out and ask Him to hold your hand now as He has mine. Your life will be so much better with Jesus in it, does it mean your ship won’t sink from time to time, no, but it does mean that Jesus won’t let you drown. I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to sink just enough to feel I might drown, but I am most thankful that He pulled me back to the surface. Praise your Jesus! Amen!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


“Dear Friends”
I have written about friendship before, but today I lie here feeling alone, empty inside with my pain. I have the Lord here with me so I know I will be fine. I guess I am missing earthly friends however, it seems when one is down the most they aren’t anywhere to be found. Not even a phone call to see if you are ok, maybe they don’t want to disturb, whatever the reason may be; God gives us friends when we need them, and we should always treat them like a gift from God. May God bless me with a friendship like I find here in the Bible.
I decided I wanted to find out who were true friends in the bible; the story that came to mind was about Ruth. I want to share some of her friendship story with you. After reading I pray that if you have a best friend you let them know and be appreciative that God blessed with such a friend.
In a place called Moab lived a family, Elimelech, his wife Naomi and their two sons. They had moved to Moab because where they were living the food was running short. Shortly after living in Moab Elimelech died but Naomi wasn't alone she still had two sons.
Her sons both got married and were happy, but they both would die after about ten years. At least Naomi still had her son’s wives to keep her company; Orpah and Ruth.
Naomi called her sons wives and told them, "I am going to go back to where I used to live and I would like you also to go back to your family where you used to live. May God show you kindness as you have showed me?" All the women cried and hugged each other because they were such good friends.
Orpah didn't want to leave Naomi but Naomi told her not to worry, she would be fine. So Orpah left to go back to her family. But no matter what Naomi said to Ruth, Ruth would not leave. "Don't ask me to leave. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your friends will be my friends and your God will be my God."
So Ruth and Naomi returned to Bethlehem together. It was a good thing Ruth went with Naomi because Bethlehem was very far away and Naomi couldn't have traveled all that way by herself.
When they got there Ruth decided that she should do some kind of work. It was harvest time, so she worked in the fields following behind the harvesters and picked up any barley that they had dropped.
The owner of the field came by to greet the harvesters and noticed Ruth in the field. He asked one of the harvesters who she was. "She came back from Moab with Naomi, that's all I know." Lucky for Ruth the owner of the field was Boaz, he was a kind man who believed in God. He had also been related to Elimelech (Naomi's husband that died).
Boaz went to go talk to Ruth, he said to her,”Don't go work in any other field but stay here with the other servant girls. I will make sure you are safe and whenever you are thirsty go and get a drink from the water jars." When Ruth heard this she bowed down to Boaz and asked, "Why are you being so nice to me, I'm not even from here."
Boaz replied, "I know what you've done for Naomi, you left your family and moved to a place you've never been. May the Lord reward you for your kindness?"
Ruth thanked Boaz and continued with her work in the hot sun. Boaz even ordered his workers to drop extra barley so Ruth could have more for herself. Ruth always took all the barley home and shared it with Naomi.
Ruth would eventually marry Boaz and be happy.
Ruth never complained but she was always a good friend to Naomi, she never once expected anything in return, as long as she could help her friend she was happy. I don’t know that I have a friend here on earth like Ruth, but I do know I have a friend in Jesus. If you have a friend like Ruth, pick up the phone, bless her/him, and let them know how much you love them. Be the same friend in return.


Isaiah 61:1-3
Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; 3To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.
What do we find in this scripture?
I find that God wants to use us to go out into the world and tell everyone about Him, what he does for us daily, don’t hold back, use reinforcement if necessary, but whatever we do, I must start planting the seed of Jesus Christ into the hearts of the sinners. ISAIAH 62:2 the nations shall see your righteousness, and all the kings your glory, and you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the LORD will give. This can happen if we get out there and focus…and when I say focus I don’t mean on what we want or need, I am talking about what God wishes for us to do. Sure it is simple to talk to other Christians and share the miraculous things going on in our own life, but have you ever sat down and tried to tell someone what happened to you today, and just get, yeah right, that could of happened to anyone, that has nothing to do with God., you are crazy..Well I have heard this a few times in my life. Sure, it has made me wonder what’s it all for, but in my heart I already have the answer. Jesus is the answer, not only to this question but to all that goes on within my heart. Join me in lifting Jesus Christ up where he belongs, he is the king of kings and Lord of Lords. How much proof do you need? Open your eyes, look around you, it all came from somewhere...that somewhere is Jesus. God is transforming me daily, I feel so blessed that He chooses me to study and spread His word, don’t listen to me, get your bible out, open it up and ask God to guide you in this first day of your life following him…Back in Galatians 4 apostle Paul tells us how Jesus had arrived and when the fullness of times had come. Are you ready for that fullness, it’s about us friends. Open your hearts now and receive Jesus, then walk and ask for his transformation in your life.

Healing is happening in my knees daily; please keep me in your prayers as I endure the pain that I go through to get to the reward ahead. I praise you Father and give you all the glory. Amen!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Gift of Tongues

Father, I thank you for getting me through this surgery that was needed. Thank you for giving me peace and warmth that only you could give, for taking the fear from my mind.
I now know there was even more reason that I could of ever imagined, as I was being taken to the operating room I was praying, little did I know I was praying out loud speaking in tongues and having a one on one talk with Jesus. I was at peace and as I told you I was so ready to come home to you. Life here has been a physical challenge for me for over a year. Even though there were difficulties during the surgery, my doctor knew where my heart was and he knew I would be ok. This is what he told me afterwards. Prior to surgery a priest from the hospital came in and had prayer with me, and gave me a picture of surgeons with Jesus standing beside them, right there to guide their hands. This just reaffirmed my faith that I knew Jesus would be there, and if it was time to go, He would be there to take me to my new home. The nurses and anesthesiologist were more concerned for they felt I was in there hands. When they couldn’t get me to breathe they felt stress and concern, for this I am sorry, I never wish harm or worry on anyone. Three times during surgery I stopped breathing, and even when they brought me to recovery they was having trouble getting me to breathe. I remember them yelling at me saying please breathe in thru your nose and out through your mouth. I thought I was, I just knew I was coughing so much. I want to thank all those that were involved in my care, with the Lords hand I am still here.

At 3:00 am I was laying here in pain, trying to figure out how I was going to get thru this next step, for my body just doesn’t like pain meds. I closed my eyes and started praying, asking God for guidance thru this time now. I cry as I try to say this. There was the most awesome light, I found myself walking so fast to get to it, when before me appeared an image with open arms, I realized it was Jesus. I ran as fast as I could to get to him, it was so beautiful. I was telling Him I would be there please wait on me. As I got closer I started seeing stars, bright stars, then they were getting darker, as I hear Jesus tell me, not right now daughter but soon I will come back for you. You aren’t alone. The stars were darker now, the sky was filled. I cried so hard. As I woke up I felt so at peace now, I knew now I could handle the pain, for Jesus would not allow me anymore than I can handle
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; Ephesians 6:18

As I was speaking in tongues to my Heavenly Father, I realized how much I love the Lord and how my faith has grown so much. His bible has told us that the ability to speak to God in tongues is a closeness that shows that we do believe and also that it is a New Testament growth. Mark 16:17 as a sign of a believer, one who would follow Him. He also told His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they had received the promise of the Father, and be endued with power from on high. Of all the nine gifts of the Spirit, speaking in tongues is the only gift not already found in the Old Testament. This is perhaps why Jesus mentions tongues as the sign of a New Testament believer. There are many people who wish Mark 16:17 wasn't there. Well, it's there. "A believer operating the manifestation of the spirit called tongues will be edified spiritually, spiritually built-up. He can operate this manifestation in two situations: in public and in private. (1) The bulk of a believer's speaking in tongues are in his own private life. As such, speaking in tongues in private will be prayer or praise to the Father and, therefore is never interpreted. This prayer and praise is spoken of as "praying in the spirit." When you speak in tongues it is the spirit in you which is in direct communication with your heavenly Father, and as such your spirit is edified. (2) A believer can speak in tongues publicly in a believer's meeting. When a person publicly speaks in tongues, he must always interpret. A public message is never a prayer however; it is a communication from God meant for the people present. Both public and private speaking in tongues are called speaking to God." I have found myself praying with others when all of a sudden the words coming out are unknowns to me but God has always given me word for the one I am lifting up. I thank God for this gift as I better understand it now. I ask God to lead, direct and move me towards fast healing so I can get back out there and do His will in my life. Prayer is important for your growth, if you haven’t received this gift, ask God for it, when your heart is willing openly to receive Gods spirit within, you too will have the same joy that I have found. God bless each of you, please continue this journey with me in receiving the other gifts God has to offer.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

God's Will

Romans 12:2 (King James Version)
2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Many of us want to do God’s will in our lives, yet we don’t know where to begin or how to begin even. It all started back in the early days when God created us in His own image. God’s will is for us to have a bond, relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. You ask, how? Can I really go back? Will He forgive me? I know you are thinking, but you don’t know what I did. I reply, IT DOES NOT MATTER. JESUS loves you, you too can be transformed. It’s so simple; you just have to ask God for forgiveness with a heart that means it, accept His apology and let it go. See God forgives, but then He does something us humans can’t, He forgets…Yes He forgets, so when you go back later telling Him about the same thing, He don’t know what you are talking about, because He erased that from you. So come on everyone, let’s smile, love and forgive those that have caused us harm, and forget…I am sure if God can forgive you, you too can forgive those that hurt you.

The Bible says that God's will is “good, pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2). The bible will give you the knowledge and understanding to follow God, but you have to start by dusting it off and opening it. No matter where you begin, God is within every page. “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5).
See He even gives us His wisdom; it is there for the asking.
Many times the advice of a parent, pastor, grandmother, Sunday school teacher or other mature person is just what we need to hear to help us decide what God wants us to do. See God gives wisdom, so be wise, and listen to your elders. We seem to like to ask our grandparents about the wars of the past, but we fail to ask about the ancient battles and wars that took place in the bible days, see there have been wars from day one when Adam and eve ate from the apple. Did they listen, or use wisdom…no, they didn’t. But you don’t have to make that mistake.” The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice” (Proverbs 12:15). “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22).
Remember that God's ultimate purpose for all of us is that He would be glorified (1 Corinthians 10:31) and that the gospel and God's kingdom would be advanced (Genesis 50:20 and Philippians 1:12). Us this knowledge today and seek to follow Him. Don’t wait till tomorrow, you may only have today. Take a minute and thank Him for loving you, for dieing on that cross for you, give him your past, your worries and most importantly your sins. Then, its time to forget them, and walk forward with Jesus as you find your way in His righteous plan that He has for you.
Bless each and every one of you as you take this eternal walk of faith, I hope to meet you on this journey as we seek our Father, and teach others His way.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My Prayer

This blog is of prayer. A personal moment for me.
There are circumstances in my life that I just do not seem to understand, but I know that You have a plan and purpose for them. Lord, pour the power of Your Holy Spirit upon me and bless me this evening as I prepare myself for surgery tomorrow, with the peace and comfort I need to endure through these trials I am facing. Bless me with understanding and forgive me for holding on to things that are of the past. Help me to follow your will and lead me away from all emotions that try to get me to lose my faith and trust in You. Father I have anxiousness concerning the pain I will have to endure after surgery, I lay this before you now Father and ask that you control the pain in my body for the days to come. Lord I ask blessings on my family and friends lives, I lift each of them up to you and ask for deliverance from whatever they are going thru in each of the lives right now. Give them peace and comfort and knowledge Lord, understanding and a heart to desire to follow you. Lord I am asking for a heart of peace, comfort, understanding, knowledge, love filled with your spirit to make me a better person. I thank you in advance for this life you have planned out for me, rather my days be short or long here on earth I ask that they be used for your will. I love, adore and honor you precious Father. I give you all the Glory and Praise, for you are so worthy. . In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!


Was Hezekiah special in Gods eyes?
I wanted to write about Hezekiah because of just how special he was and even though his life was to be short, His faith kept him alive longer. I pray that God will use me as He did Hezekiah.. You can find his story in the 2 book of kings, please take time to read about a man of God. Follow up by reading the book of Chronicals.

Hezekiah was a very famous man in his time; he was recognized for at least two special events.

Hezekiah was a son King Ahaz, a man who did not believe in God. Luckily Hezekiah chose to not follow his father’s footsteps; He chose to do right in the sight of God. When Hezekiah became king he immediately removed and destroyed the false religious worship in Israel and restored the temple worship, sacrifices, the Levitical and priestly ministries and Passover Did you know that Hezekiah was given an additional fifteen years to live, all because he believed and trusted in God? Hezekiah was so known for his underground canal and water pool that he created during the difficult wars. He was a God fearing man who loved following our Lord.
Read this next paragraph very carefully, this shows you just how much the Lord listens to all your pleas and hears and even feels all those tears that fall.

In those days Hezekiah became mortally ill. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came to him and said to him, "Thus says the LORD, 'Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live.'"

As you just read the Lord had told him he was going to die, get your life in order. How would you of handled this situation, I know I would have been begging God to please give me more time, help me to get things right in His eyes. Well it looks like that is exactly what Hezekiah did: keep reading.

Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed to the LORD, saying, "Remember now, O LORD, I beseech Thee, how I have walked before Thee in truth and with a whole heart, and have done what is good in Thy sight." And Hezekiah wept bitterly. And it came about before Isaiah had gone out of the middle court, that the word of the LORD came to him, saying, "Return and say to Hezekiah the leader of My people, 'Thus says the LORD, the God of your father David," I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; behold, I will heal you. On the third day you shall go up to the house of the LORD. And I will add fifteen years to your life, and I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for My own sake and for My servant David's sake.

All because God knew his heart and that he had walked with Him and for Him that the Lord granted Hezekiah more time to continue living and doing His will.

It hasn’t changed people, He just wants us to cry to Him wholeheartedly and to walk with Him daily, and He listens and hears our cries of please keep this in mind. How many Hezekiah’s have you met in your life? Are you a Hezekiah?

For he clung to the LORD; he did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments, which the LORD had commanded Moses. And the LORD was with him; wherever he went he prospered. 2 Kings 20:5-6 Not many followed the Lord till the end, but Hezekiah did. Will You?

As for me I hope that the Lord will allow me to not only follow but I pray He will use me and allow me to do His work the rest of the days of my life.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Who is Mary Magdalene"

‘Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bring the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with him, as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their resources.’
(Read Luke 8:1-3) Luke 8:1-3 (King James Version)
Who is Mary Magdalene? Was she a prostitute as many thought? You will find she was a sinner just as we all are. Mary Magdalene was a follower of Jesus. Mary comes from a thriving fishing city called Magadha, also a manufacturing city of fine wool and dyes. Mary was probably the 2nd most important woman in Jesus life, for his mother was the most important. Mary was a business woman, a very intelligent woman who from reading I would think she got her money from the fishing industry as that was so big. Mary was the leader of a group of ladies who provided for not only Jesus but his followers from their very own finances. If you can imagine Mary picked up and followed Jesus for three years as He wandered throughout Galilee and Judea. Jesus moved through the villages teaching with two groups, one led by Mary and the other led by Peter. The women and men had to be separate so as to not lose any credibility as a religious teacher. Mary was there for Jesus not only personably but also she was able to financially sustain Him during His travel. This all started one day when Mary ran into Jesus and he was able to see she was possessed with evil spirits. (Luke 8:1-3) Mary is described as a woman whom Jesus cured of an unspecified illness. In the days of Mary Magdalene diseases were claimed to be caused by evil spirits, Mary had seven demons that were tormenting her, the significance in the number is important as it mean the severity of the diseases she had. Mary was severely sick. Mary loved Jesus, she felt honored to follow Him wherever He might go. She stayed by his side throughout all that was to come. If only we had friendships like this. When the worst that could happen did happen, Mary was there. She had been close to him during his life, and she would be close to him when he faced death. The men disciples fled – there was every possibility they might be the next victims of the Roman authorities. But Mary stood as near to the cross as she could, watching every dreadful action, hearing every scream. No one can imagine what it was like for her, or for the other women standing there. Mary would go on to be the one who would prepare her best friend for his tomb. She would wash him; wipe away all the blood that covered his body from all the beatings. I can imagine the tears were falling as she had watched and listened to his every scream as they abused, beat, stripped him of his skin, and hammered nails into his hands and feet. She never left her best friends side. She even watched as her best friend’s tomb was sealed. But, Praise God she was the one who found he wasn’t in the tomb as the Lord had sent an angel to tell her. She watched His resurrection.
Do you know anyone in your life that would follow you through the good and the bad, and then be there to clean you up? Mary never forsakes Jesus, for she knew the blessings she had received from His healing touch. She loved Jesus. Do You?(Mark 15:40-41, Luke 23:49, Matthew 27:55-56, John 19:25) In each of the four accounts of the crucifixion Mary was present, either standing at a distance with other women, or standing near the cross.
(Luke 23:55-56, Matthew 27:61)
Mary watched as Jesus’ body was sealed inside the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. She could confirm that he was really dead. She and the other women prepared the spices needed for proper burial of a body.
(Mark 16:1-11, Luke 24:1-11, Matthew 28:1-10, John 20:1-18).
Mary found that Jesus’ body was no longer in the tomb. She received a message from an angel and was the first person to see the risen Jesus. She was thus the first witness of the resurrection.
Ask Jesus to heal you from all your demons today and walk with Him from this day forward. Jesus loves us all!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Transfiguration of Christ

Transfiguration of Christ
When I was reading about Peter yesterday, I had remembered all about Peter walking on the water with Jesus, for I love that song, Jesus walks on the water, but I could not remember much about the transfiguration of Christ. How could I not know such an important thing? So this is why I am writing about it today. Let’s learn together. Matthew 17:1 And after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and brought them up into a high mountain apart. Let’s dissect this scripture, and see where it brings us. The Transfiguration of Jesus is an event where Jesus is transformed by His father in Heaven, where there are witnesses to this powerful event. Jesus became radiant, spoke with Moses and Elijah, and was called "Son" by God. It is one of the miracles of Jesus in the Gospels.
This miracle is unique among others that appear in the Gospels, in that the miracle happens to Jesus himself. Some considered it "the greatest miracle" in that it complemented baptism and showed the perfection of life in Heaven. Jesus tells the others that they are not to tell anyone of what they saw until he has risen on the third day. They were confused; they didn’t understand what He was talking about. What I am finding here is that the Father is claiming Jesus as His own and letting others see that He is who He has been saying He is, the Son of God. I personally have hiked to the top of a mountain before and looked down and saw all of what God has created, and how beautiful it is, but I also looked into the clouds and wondered how beautiful the Heavens must be. I would of loved to of been a witness to this transfiguration, how lucky was Peter and the others, really makes it so hard to understand just how Peter did turn his back on Jesus. To witness such a radiance of light, and wonderment of what was happening in front of him. Can you even imagine seeing the heavens opening up like that? Jesus changed that day, His body that had looked just like ours, was now different, Jesus shone now, he was lighted up as the voice from the Heavens spoke and said “He is mine now”. Leave it to Peter to have to blab his mouth; he has to say it’s good for us to be here. Then wonder where they going to rest.
But that, of course was not the point.

Jesus was facing the long journey to another mountain, where he would be
lifted higher. Jesus knew that ahead was the long walk to the cross, with all its possible escapes.
Jesus knew that he had a way out of this, but Jesus also knew that he would not take it. He knew that he would die just a few weeks from now. He knew that for you and me He would suffer, so that He could endure our pain and take our tears up to His Heavenly Father with Him, so that our days here on earth wouldn’t be so hard.
My tears now flow as I know what Jesus’ transfiguration is all about now. He no longer was an earthly man working as a carpenter, walking around spreading the word of His Father, He now was the Son of God and would now walk the rest of his days here on earth for us, and even on the cross He would say forgive them, for they know not what they do. This was for us my friends. Oh Heavenly Father I thank you and I praise you for taking that walk for me, I love and adore you all the days of my life. Please find forgiveness for this crippled soul precious Father. Find love, understanding for all those hurting, for those in other countries who are suffering from loss , Please help them to rebuild and have better than they could ever imagine, and help us all to unite as one as you did for us. I love you precious Father. Amen!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Best Friends

Best Friends
We all have friends in life, but do we have real friends, those that you can count on for anything, those that would drop whatever they are doing to come to you.
I have had both kinds in my life and I love and cherish each. I feel so blessed to have a couple awesome friends in my life now. True friends are rare, so be thankful when you have one and do all that you can to be true to them as well. But, also you have to remember that even Jesus’ best friend turned their backs on him, and one in particular that comes to mind is Peter. What a story, I have to share some of it with you.
Peter was one of Jesus' closest friends and disciples. Peter knew that Jesus was The Christ, Peter walked on water with Jesus, and Peter was with Jesus on the mountain of transfiguration. Peter even cut off a guard’s ear when they arrested Jesus. Jesus warned Peter that he would deny Him. But Peter bragged that he would never deny being a follower of Jesus. However, on the night that Jesus was arrested Peter broke that promise. In fact Peter broke it more than once. When the disciples ran off, Peter went to sit where he could watch where they had taken Jesus. He sat far enough away so no one would see him. Peter was very afraid and confused. He lied when a woman asked him if he was one of the men with Jesus. He said he did not even know who Jesus was. Later someone else asked him if he was with Jesus, but Peter again said he was not. The third time Peter denied knowing Jesus, a rooster crowed.
Then Jesus turned and with a hurtful heart, looked at Peter. Peter remembered that Jesus had told him "Before a rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will have said three times that you do not know me." When things go wrong, we need friends, don't we. Jesus needed friends, too! But they all ran away. And now even Peter, one of his closest friends was denying him. Peter felt so bad about what he did that he cried and cried. The wonderful thing is that Jesus forgave Peter and gave him a second chance. Because Peter was forgiven it made Peter even stronger in Loving Jesus. Peter became a mighty leader for Jesus Christ. He led many people to believe in Jesus Christ. His story continues in the book of Acts. See Peter was so excited that Jesus forgave him, that he was happy to do anything and everything he could for Jesus please note, Jesus forgave him, even though he acted like he didn’t even know him. He forgives you and me my friend.
I want to take a few minutes to ask that you let your best friend know you are there for them, as I will. Thank you for being my best friend and for loving me through everything, you know who you are. And to you Jesus, thank you for always being here for me and watching over me, you will always be my best friend.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I found myself in the midst of yet another disappointment today. As the tears fell I wondered just how I would get through this disappointment. What I find is the fact that I have no control over it, but one thing I soon realized was that no I don’t, but I do know someone up-close and personal that does, so I couldn’t wait to let Him know I need Him so desperately. I was in physical pain, as well as mental pain, filled with worry, and stress, just the things I have written on, and once again that little voice talks to me, “Oh ye of little faith”, don’t be scared I am here with you. Give your concerns to me and I will gladly take care of them, and wipe those tears my child. I finally felt some peace overcome me as I started wondering who in the bible felt disappointment. What I found was how I was shocked to see just how many felt the same things I did. As I study Gods word I find that Moses probably had the most disappointment. If anyone was ever faced with a repeated disappointment, it was Moses. As a baby he was rescued from death by the faith of his parents and the ingenuity of his mother. God arranged for him to be adopted by the princess of Egypt. But he spent the first formative years of his life being raised by his own parents. From them he learned of God's promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He was taught that the Israelites were God's people, chosen to bless the world, and that God would make them a nation and give them a land. Moses was never able to forget what his parents had taught him, even after he went to live with Pharaoh's daughter, his foster mother, in the palace. This double identity must have caused him a great deal of tension. As he grew, he saw the Hebrew slaves struggling under terrible bondage while he lived luxuriously, enjoying all the privileges of royalty. Finally, Moses tried to do something to help his people."When Moses was forty years old, he decided to visit his fellow Israelites. He saw one of them being mistreated by an Egyptian, so he went to his defense and avenged him by killing the Egyptian. Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was using him to rescue them, but they did not" (Acts 7:23-25).
Many years before God called him to do so, Moses longed to be a deliverer of his people. He was willing to use his power and influence to change their desperate situation. But they rejected him. In fact, he had to flee for his life from Egypt to live in the backside of the desert for another forty years after the murder incident. Talk about disappointment! Moses had two reasons to be disappointed. First, he was disappointed in people—because his expectations that his people would understand what he wanted to do for them and would accept him were not fulfilled.
Second, he was disappointed in his circumstances. After years of privilege and education in Egypt, he certainly had never dreamed that he would spend the rest of his life tending sheep in a desert. What a discouraging future! I know I am no better than Moses and I want and expect God to use me to do His work. What seemed like such a disappointment earlier today now seems so minor. I had to open my eyes and my heart today to see all the devastations going on in Haiti with the wrath of the earthquake, all the homeless, injured and dead. Sure some are seeing this as Gods work, I don’t for a second believe that, I do believe He allowed it to happen to bring a better new life to this country and to pull us nations together to live as one. Take up your disappointments today and turn them into something right, pray for Gods deliverance of all the lost souls in that country and pray for our leaders as they do Gods will and no less. I ask God for a healing hand on all those injured in this crisis, and I also thank god for giving us Moses and allowing us to have our ancestors to read about and to learn from. I ask that you be safe and free of disappointments and if not, that He will lead you through yours as He did mine today.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Hey, what are you doing this weekend? "Hey, let's go down to Bethany and see that Lazarus guy that was dead for 4 days!” John 11:1-44 & 12:9-10
Now, how exciting would that be, well maybe you have visited the Lazarus of your day? Ever listen to people’s testimonies and hear how they saw the light, how they died on the table during surgery but came back, or how they should have died in that car crash. Why didn’t the plane blow up that went in the Hudson this year? Ever think these are real Lazarus’ of today. That God is still healing and bringing back from death. Have you had a close call and didn’t realize that Jesus was there to protect you. Just as Jesus brought Lazarus back to life after four days, he too can save you. Even Martha didn’t fully understand, she believed Jesus was the Son of Christ, and she did believe Jesus performed miracles, but he had been dead for four days, how was this possible, he would smell by now. When reading this story for the first time I was so intrigued, I wanted, no needed to know more, and now as I reread it today I found the most interesting thing that somehow I missed the times I have read before. Next Mary came out to meet him and was so sad about her brother’s death that she was weeping, Jesus was moved by her sadness so much that he too wept.
After this Jesus went to Lazarus’ tomb and ordered them to remove the stone away from the entrance. But Martha argued with him and said “By this time he will have a bad odor, he has been dead four days.”
But Jesus told her “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?” So they took away the stone and Jesus looked up into heaven and prayed. After he had prayed he yelled in a loud voice “LAZARUS, COME OUT!” And sure enough out walked Lazarus still wrapped in his burial clothes!
That was worth repeating, four whole days, Jesus loved her so much he cried with her, but what amazes me is that Jesus looked up into heaven and prayed, and then he yelled for Lazarus to come out. Lazarus went on to tell so many about what Jesus had done for him. I have tears writing this, see I had never thought that Jesus would cry with me when I am so sad or in pain, but now I realize, why not? He loved me so much that He died for me, what’s a tear? I too was saved by Jesus in the form of a Lion in the midst of a large summer storm in the sky, he sent this roaring Lion to swallow up the darkness that surrounded our plane, His eyes shined light, 7 streams of light, and a sheep in the background watching over us all. We landed safely and I now have a drawn picture of that lion by my bed to remind me daily of what Jesus does for me. What’s your story? I would love to hear your testimony.
Dear Father I come to you in troubled times and ask that you raise others from their death beds, have their eyes opened to just what you have already done in each of their lives. I Give thanks to you Jesus, for rescuing me from death time and time again. I love you Father, In Jesus Name, Amen!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Did you know that laughter is only listed 42 times in the bible? That amazed me to read, because there are so many scriptures that gave reason for laughter. The good times that Jesus opened His heart and showed us all miracles. Did the people laugh at others for not believing Jesus had performed these miracles? No, of course not, they weren’t sure they believed themselves. Following I will lists some of the great times in the bible where you will see laughter was good, but also where it was used in a negative way."Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. Therefore Sarah laughed within herself…Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh" (Genesis 18:11, 12, 15).
I Think most of us would have laughed if we found out we were pregnant at 90 years of age, if grandma came home to say guess what your pa said I am going to have a baby. Why are we shocked to see Sarah did the same, even if it was inwardly, I probably would of laughed hysterically. What shocked me was the fact that she denied she was laughing. Now please remember it was her 100 year old husband Abraham that came home and told her that God had told Him he would have a son., Of course you would have laughed too. See this hurt God, for it showed Him that she didn’t believe God could do anything. Sarah’s fear showed through. This happens all the time in our lives now, we believe, but how much faith do we really have? When God says He will take care of you, if you just ask, He doesn’t want you to laugh about it, He wants you to love him and trust and believe that in Him all things are possible.
"For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool” (Ecclesiastes 7:6). Ever laugh at someone else’s failures or turmoil’s in life? This type of laughter makes you the biggest fool, because if you had Christ in your heart whole heartedly someone else’s hurts, failures would not please you but hurt you as well. So the next time you find yourself laughing at others expense, look into your heart, Ask God to intercede and forgive you, and give you help to help those that are hurting.
God will laugh when His enemies stumble and fall. "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision" (Psalm 2:4) THIS IS MY FAVORITE LAUGHTER, I CAN CLOSE MY EYES AND IMAGINE GOD SITTING ON HIS THRONE AND LAUGHING AT ALL THOSE DEVIL WORSHIPERS, MURDERERS, WHOREMONGERS, THE SADDAM HUSSEIUMS OF THE WORLD. I REMEMBER SHOUTING FOR JOY WHEN HIS STATUE CAME TUMBLING DOWN, I KNEW GOD WAS LAUGHING. Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at naught all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity" (Proverbs 1:24-26). AMEN! GOD WANTS NOTHING BUT HAPPINESS FOR ALL HIS CHILDREN, HE GIVES US EACH A CHANCE IN OUR LIVES TO COME TO HIM AND SEEK HIM IN OUR HEARTS. HE WILL FORGIVE US ALL OUR SINS; WE JUST NEED TO HUMBLE OURSELVES BEFORE HIM. Jesus said, "Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh" (Luke 6:21). Heaven is the happiest place in the Universe. Join me on this journey to laughter, deep soul laughter; the kind that hurts till tears run. Walk with Christ and all your laughter will be a good laugh!

Monday, January 11, 2010


I woke up today having a negative outlook on life, feeling alone not sure of what the day had in store for me. Why do I have to get out of my warm bed and go to work? Who will notice me anyway? I don’t have anything to wear that makes me feel pretty? Where does all this negativity come from? How can I ask God to help me through the day? Do you ever feel that you need or want to start over and turn the negativity into something good? I have great news for you and me, we can, if we ask for help, no not from a psychiatrist, even better, let’s see what God has to say about all this, and I bet He will help us. The Bible says in Genesis as Joseph addressed his brothers: “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good. Good example, even here Joseph is turning bad into good. If you feel others are making you have this outlook in life, maybe it is time to get new friends, distance yourself from these nay givers. Its God that is at stake. He doesn’t want His children to feel this way, He provides you with all your needs, mentally, physically, spiritually. If you ask for His leadership, you too can overcome this feeling of loss and negativity in your life. There are those that do not have God in their lives who will cause you discontentment. Why do you want them in your life, look at yourself in the mirror, do you really need to be around so much drama. Remember the devil comes in many facets and many faces; he loves to know you wake up negative, he is staring over you laughing his/her head off. Is this what you want? It’s time for me to seek out new friends who honor Christ and look forward to what He has in store for me today. The past was one minute ago, now is my future, join me in finding new friends in your life so you too can smile again and look forward to the next minute. You don’t have time to waste, for its God that is at stake. He created you in His image, so honor that. God’s blessings in your life as you take this step of positivity Amen. These enormous blessings are yours just for the asking. What are you waiting for, I just asked Jesus to be my new best friend. I am so excited to see what His kind of fun is. See you on this journey of finding your new best friend…

Sunday, January 10, 2010


What does God have to say about Jealousy?
Jealousy usually means you are envious of others, you want what they have. This kind of jealousy is ramped these days and is a sin in Gods eyes. “Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other”. You will find this scripture in Galatians 5:6
God wants us to have love for others as he has for us. The Bible tells us that “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). The more we focus on ourselves and our own desires, the less we are able to focus on God. Did you know that when you are jealous you aren’t living Gods will in your life, for jealousy is a sin?
If you need to overcome jealousy of any sort in your life it will take some work on your part. First you have to realize where the issue comes from; the bible tells us that jealousy grows out of insecurity, fear, deception and covetousness. In fact, the Bible addresses jealousy several times. God’s word tells us for us to be able to overcome this jealousy we have to turn to Him, ask for His guidance, and his reassurance of the love He has for us, and to reassure us that He created us in His own image, and He will never ever leave your side. You will have to work to achieve this, it won’t come easy, and God wants and desires you to get on your knees in prayer, research your heart reflect on just when you got these jealous feelings. Was it as a child when a sibling got one more piece of candy than you? Was it in high school and you wanted to be popular? Maybe someone you loved in secret just didn’t have the same feelings? It all boils down to you being lost. Fear also is another form of jealousy, you are so scared someone will leave you, not love you? Who left you alone, who instilled fear into you? Did anyone? To overcome this fear you must look to God, transform your thoughts with the use of God’s word
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love (1 John 4:18). For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father" (Romans 8:15). It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery (Galatians 5:1). To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy (Jude 24).
Did you know that deception is a form of jealousy that you allow in your heart? You may perceive a threat that in reality does not exist? Your perception of life is distorted due to lies you believe about others and yourself.
The book of Psalm gives us great truth and hope for freedom from these thoughts that eat at us, the one that gives me hope is Psalm 25:4-5 Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long (Psalm 25:4-5).
When you have got in prayer and accepted God into your heart and ask for His guidance, you too will overcome the jealousy that you have within you. You will be free from the demon that lies within and His word says it the best.
You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). Amen!