Saturday, May 1, 2010

“Spring into Action with God”

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 (kjv)

If you spring into action for the Lord, you will see the many benefits and reap the many rewards that He has for you. What does this entail? First, it takes one to be right with God, giving your life to Him now, to serve Him. Does this mean you can’t laugh and have fun? No actually quite the opposite, see God wants you to be happy and have fun, maybe just in a different manner in which you are accustomed.

Matt 13:45,46 "Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who is a merchant seeking fine pearls, who having found one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Matthew 13:44-45 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in a field. Which a man having found, hid it, and for joy thereof goeth, and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

Heb 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

Have you ever seen anything that you would sale all you had to have just this one item. I know on the materialistic front I haven’t. I would give it all for the Lord, to know that He is pleased with me and has a mansion for me in a land of immortality and free from fighting, arguing, sickness, and pain.

This is one of the parables of Jesus that will make you think, just how gracious our Jesus is.The man wanted the pearl; he had to give all he had to get it. He did not realize that meant, his car, his home, his family, the clothes on his back, everything. However, he was willing to do this because he wanted to have the pearl to put in his storefront, when he was reminded no I get the storefront, you said you would give everything. The person gave it all for that one pearl. But, just as he was leaving Jesus said Now," the man started, "you've given everything to me in exchange for that pearl, right?" "Yes, that's right." "Okay, the Lord responded, I'd like you to do something for me." "What's that," the broken former jeweler responded. "This car that you gave me," he started, "I want you to remember that it's mine now, but you take it with you. I want you to take care of it, and use it. However, most importantly, I want you to use it for me. You know what I'd want done with it, just do that for me." "Well, gee, thanks," the jeweler, responded, cheerfully. "That's not all," the Lord, said, "this house and family that you gave me. Now, they are mine, and I take responsibility for them. But, do you think you could be my steward, live there, and watch over them for me?" "Sure,” the jeweler responded, "I've been doing that anyway." "Yes, you have, but there's a difference now. Since they are mine, I expect you to act towards them as I would. Treat your family as I would. Use your house like I would, especially to help the poor, the orphaned, the widows, and the needy." "Gosh, I'm not sure I know how to do that," said the jeweler. "You'll know when the time comes," explained the Lord. "I'll send my Holy Spirit to tell you what I'd do, and here, take this too, it's a copy of my Word. As you read it, you can learn about me, and how I take care of my family." Then the Lord continued. "While we're at it, I want you to manage my jewelry business for me too. That way, you will have the money you need to take care of my home, car, and family. I only want the tithe, which is ten percent of the profits. You can find out how I want it run by looking in my Word, too. Oh, and one last thing, take the checkbook and wallet. You will need to watch over my money as well. Be sure to put it where I want it." By this point, the jeweler was amazed. He had given up everything to get the pearl, and now he had it all back. "Do you want me to give the pearl back?" he asked. "No," the Lord replied, "we made a deal. You can have the pearl, and enjoy it to the fullest. All I want is for you to use everything you've given me as I would." "Wow," thought the jeweler, "what a deal." "Thank you," he said, "I appreciate you giving me the pearl, and allowing me to watch over everything I've given you. I hope I can live up to your expectations. By the way, what's your name?"

 The Lord replied, "I am Jesus."

The Bible is where you will find this parable and many others, and how to take care of what God has loaned to you as well. For see nothing belongs to you. God bless you!


  1. this is a great blog yes the lord wants us to have fun and yes we can in different ways the love of god is all around us 24-7 he loves us when we bad or good but its more fun to be in him ........JR

  2. Awesome blog and very understand Brenda.God looks at us all in many different ways but for God to help and look after us we do have to have faith in him. Keep up the great blogs Brenda.I enjoy learning for them and I hold it all to you for the work you have gave to help God out down here.
