Sunday, May 16, 2010


When was the last time you looked to your elders for advice?  In 1 Kings the Bible tells us that older people often  give wise advice.  1 Kings 12:1-11 Jeroboam returned to Egypt, He had fled Egypt to escape King Solomon,  the Israel leaders had summoned him as they wanted to go talk to Rehoboboam to ask him to lighten up on them.  His father Solomon had been cruel and harsh on them.  Rehoboboam told them to give him three days to think about it.  During this time rehoboboam went to the elders and asked their advice, they gave him good sound advice, told him to give the people a break and he could promise they would be good servants  forever.  Well that wasn't good enough for Rehoboboam so he decided to go  to the people he grew up with and get their advice.   They led him completely in the wrong direction, they told him to be even meaner than his father had been.  Well this is the direction Rehoboboam took and his life fell apart as you will see when you read vs 1-20.  See Jesus already knew the outcome.  Just as He knows where our lives are headed.

  The next time you need advice seek the council of your elders, they always seek Gods advice for He wont stir you wrong.  Remember to be successful in life you will need advice.  Proverbs 11:14 where no council is the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.  always be willing to give "good" advice to others, but only if its from God, never mislead anyone, for God knows and sees all.


  1. Awesome blog on elders as i go to my elders often to get advice for them.They seldom are wrong and very help ful.Keep up the great work Brenda.Did miss your blogs while you were gone hope you had a great time.

  2. we can go to the elders to get answers they maynot always be what we want it to be but if we take our problems to the lord he will take care of them........JR
