Sunday, May 23, 2010

Living out our Frustrations

We must accept the fact of our anger. Ask those around you if they sense a spirit of anger in you. Acknowledgment is the first step of overcoming anger. Why? Our pride does not make it easy to say that we were wrong in our actions, words and judgments.  Face the real issues (Gal 5:13-26)

We must acknowledge that man's anger will not accomplish God's work...When was the last time you was out of control with your anger?  How did you resolve the issues that were bothering  you?  Did you turn to Jesus for answers and wisdom?

James 1:19-20
This you know, my beloved brethren. But let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. Anger from the past must be acknowledged and confessed. Amends need to be made. Apologies for silent or open anger must be made. We also need to apologize for not loving them as you should have.Anger in the present and future must be cut off. You must recognize man's anger is not going to accomplish the righteousness of God. You will confess that you have been responding to your own selfish desires and have focused on your own will and life, not on God's will and purpose.identify the source of your hard feelings. Ask yourself, Why am I reacting like this? With whom am I upset? What’s causing me to behave this way? Once you’ve figured out where your annoyance comes from, deal with it quickly—when bitterness is allowed to build up, we become prime targets for the Enemy.

Pauls advice is wise: “Do not let the sun go down on your anger” (Ephesians 4:26).

Finally, we need to forgive whoever is the source of our hurt. When we feel injured, that may seem too difficult, but it is the most important aspect of dealing with anger. How can we fail to pardon someone else when our heavenly Father forgave us by offering His Son as a sacrifice?

Anger doesn’t have to control your life. If you’re a believer, the Holy Spirit empowers you to walk in a Christlike manner.  Ask for delierance from all the anger you have built up..Love each other and give forgviness and receive as well...

God love and bless you each...Anger accomplishes nothing, give it to God and live happily.


  1. Nice blog Brenda.Yes i believe when a person gets frustrated and angry they must get ovre it even if they do not want to as i know from my own actions it is not to let it build up in a person.Now I look to God to help me with some of my dissions and get me to where I am to day.I get more angry and frustrated at myself than at anyone else as mine is caused mostly cause of me being so jealouse.Keep up the great work Brenda.

  2. that is awesome brenda i think its work good to walk away and cool off thin talk it out and talk to God and ask him for help too always work HBS

  3. its hard sometimes not to be angry i myself is a prime example of that. but then i have to get down on my knees and ask forgiveness the the person you were angry at you must ask them to forgive you also so if i offened you in any way or was angry please forgive me........JR
