Sunday, May 16, 2010

Moses and the Burning Bush

Exodus 3
This is a story of when Moses was out minding his own business tending his father n law Jethro's flock.  Moses had taken the flock pretty far out into the wilderness when before him was the mountain of God (Sinai)  out of nowhere and angel appears to Moses in a blazing fire in the midst of a bush.  Moses was so amazed he wanted to go closer to see what was going on.  He just couldn't understand why the bush wasnt engulfed and burning up.  As he gets closer the bush God calls to him Moses! Moses!  Moses tells God I am here.  He warns Moses not to come any closer.  He tells him to take off his shoes for he stands on Holy ground.  He lets Moses know He is the God of His Father.  Moses is so asoutnded he covers his face.  God is here this day to tell Moses he is to go and lead his people of Israel out of Egypt.

When was the last time God came before you?  Did you listen?  Did you tell Him no, I can't as Moses does?  Will you give the message that God gives Moses to let them know that it is Him.  "I AM WHO I AM" or will you walk away and pretend to yourself God really doesn't talk to me?

I lift my hands to the Heavens today and ask that God use me as He did Moses and that He won't allow me to walk away when He speaks to me.  I hope to hear that each of you ask God to speak to you as well, and more importantly that you hear what He has to say.  God bless you!


  1. i hope i can stay in his poewrfull hands and do what he expects of me cause life is very lonely without him........JR

  2. Very nice blog Brenda.I will stay and listen to God before walking away and need be let him take my hand to show me just how powerful he is and can be.Brenda you are doing a awesome job keep it up please God loves you and loves you for the help you are doing for him.
