Sunday, May 16, 2010


You woke up today, fixed coffee, brushed your teeth and combed your hair.  A big day in front of you.  Laura or Sam may be at Church.  I have to look prettier than her, I sure hope he notices me.  How many Sunday  mornings have you thought  about how you look?  I won't lie, I have done that before, I wanted to be seen, but that was before I had Jesus completely in my heart and soul.

Do you really believe God is impressed with that new dress or new suit?  1 Samuel 16:7...But the Lord said to Samuel, look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him; for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man  looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.  Do not worry about your clothes for they will not get you into Heaven.  If you are a christian start caring  more about your spiritual welfare and quit judging others by what they wear or their body appearance.  God blesses you with all that is necessary to survive, and He is happy to supply pretty things for you too, However, He has to come first, so next time you go to Church remember its to worship Christ not to get someone Else's attention,  I guarantee you will be noticed outwardly for whats inwardly.  Take a few minutes and read Proverbs 31:30.

The House of the Lord is a place of worship, to sing praises to our Heavenly Father.   He welcomes you with open arms into His home, so please be respectful, and give all your attention to Him.


  1. So true Apperance is aleways nice but is not always the right thing most of all it is what is in the heart that counts.I go but that and i will stick to it.Keep up the great work Brenda.

  2. why should we care what we look like god created us in is own image so everyone is beautiful so just need to focas on the things that the lord has for us and not to look at things we cant be just be ourselfs and god will take care of the rest........JR
