Sunday, May 16, 2010


As I sit on the balcony in Destin Florida overlooking the beautiful green blue waters of the ocean I see many boats, all fishing vessels and i think back of Jesus and the fishermen of old days.  All these hundred of years later and God is till providing fish for His people.  What a generous God we serve.  My God is too good to even be described, never once has He let me down, or strayed me in the wrong direction.  God helps people when they are in trouble, He is all. Knowing our provider, God is love. 

Our gulf is in a crisis with the oil spill, many of Gods creations are being destroyed, however God will supply the needs for this mess, for He is full of grace, and His grace supplies hope.  I hope the leaders of BP look to God with integrity and respect and ask for His wisdom to clean this up without any more destruction to Gods bountiful beauty.  I ask in prayer today for help for those trying to help and for authority to solve these problems in hand.  As these fisherman are out working today I ask for Gods hand in the nets and on the poles that fish will be abundant.  In all things I give Thanks, Glory and Praise in Jesus Holy Name.  Amen!


  1. gos will provide all our needs but we must seek his wisdom and power and be forgiveing towards others god made this a great place to live it was man who messed it up and i no for sure jesus is coming back to take us all home to glory to be with him forever........JR

  2. God helps all when he is asked and sometimes with out being asked the fishermen will be seek help when needed.The oil spill will need the help of God to save the fish and other wild life he has given us in the ocean.I pray for them that has caused it to pray with us and have God help them stop it and clean up the mess already at hand.Keep up the great work Brenda.
