Sunday, May 16, 2010


We all love to listen to our favorite music.  We have songs to dance with, songs to relax us, then there is our favorite, for me thats country.   The churchs of today play modern, with all the instruments, of course some still play the old timey religious gospel.  When was the last time you played music for God?

In the book of Exodus chapter 15 verse 1 and 2 we find Moses and the children of Israel singing to the Lord.  what a beautiful song they are singing...The Lord is my strength and song and he is become my salvation;  He is become my salvation: He is my God, and i will prepare him an habitation;  my Father's God, and i will exalt him.  Read 3-6, to get the rest of the song.  In colossians chapter 16 we learn that we should let the message of Christ dwell in us.  Listen to this.  vs 16, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing once another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Take time today and give thanks unto the Lord with a song.  A song of heart, sing out His praises with no shame in your voice or heart, Let others listen.  If only one hears and receives Christ thru the merriment of your song, how happy will your Father in Heaven be?

Sing praises, Holy, Holy, Holy is thy name!  Amen

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for awesome blog as i do listen to music and play ones with God each day always have always will Amen. Keep it up Brenda.
