Sunday, May 16, 2010

Complain, Complain and Complain

I find myself complaining about everything.  I think back just a couple of months agao when it was cold, how i complained that I couldnt' wait to feel the sun again.  Well its warm now, so what do i do?  I complain, I can't get comfortable, Im sweaty, if i could just sleep, its so hot.  As i write this i am laughing at myself.  Least i have a roof over my head, their are many who don't.  How foolish was the complaining now?  The book of Psalms tells us to bring our complaints to God, in chapter 142, verse 1 and 2...
I cried unto the Lord with my voice, with my voice unto the Lord but I make my supplication.  I pourded out my complaint before him, I shewed before him my trouble.

As i was studyung tonight I came to a scripture that tells me that a christian should not complain to another christian.  When i realize what this is saying i feel so weak, for its so true, and i am so guilty.  We should be encouraging each other, lifting each other up in prayer.  Phillippians 2:14  Do all things without murmurings and disputings, vs 15 That ye may be blameless and harless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.

Wow!  Those scriptures summarize it for me, I hope it does for you as well.  I want the world to see Gods shine in my eyese whey they look at me.  I want to have christians around me whom want to encourage me, as i want to repay with love, understanding and encouragement for all.
God bless you this day!

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