Friday, May 7, 2010


I Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

The issue of money is large not only in Jesus' teaching, but in our lives. It's a huge issue and not much of the news is good news. We all get so wrapped up in what everyone else has, is it designer, where did you buy it? Sound familiar. But don’t we all secretly envy the rich and famous? Don’t we believe that if only we were rich, it would solve all our problems? Don’t we long to be recognized and loved by millions of people? This craving for fortune is nothing new. Two thousand years ago Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:25 ) rich people make wealth their number one priority instead of God. They spend most of their time making wealth, spending it, and increasing it. Truly, money becomes their idol.

God won’t stand for that. He told us so in his First Commandment: "You shall have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3). 3Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Why is that? Jesus, who knew the human heart better than anyone ever has or ever will, understood that it's a matter of priorities.

"In this world, you think people are important because they have power or wealth, or because they tell others what to do," said Jesus. "But that's not how it will be for you. In God's kingdom, you must learn to serve. If you want to be at the very top, then you must be like a servant to everyone. Even the Son of God doesn't come to be waited on; He comes to pour out His life for everyone." Mark 10

Today, we still believe the lie that money can buy happiness. We have God, but we want more. Just like Adam and Eve, we desperately desire to be bigger shots than we are. Satan lied to them then, and he’s still lying to us today. Instead, it’s time to turn our eyes to our intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. That’s where we’ll experience our greatest fulfillment. That’s where we’ll finally find all the riches we’ve ever wanted. We are very selfish and take so much for granted, Money will buy you pretty clothes, jewelry, maybe richer friends to hang out with, but what you will be missing is God. Wealth can steal away your most precious gift…YOU AND YOUR LOVE FOR GOD. Rethink the importance of your earthly riches, for there will not be a u-haul behind that up here on earth what you will need to enter Gods Heavenly Kingdom. Love, Trust, Faith, Hope, Joy, love all, reach out, Read the best book ever written and learn Jesus’ story. He loves you, and He will provide all that is needed for you to survive.

God Bless All….

1 comment:

  1. Very nice and true blog Brenda.I will always stick to what I believe money can not buy happiness no mater what.I believe in God and I do believe in what he says to me so when he needs me I shall go see him.Keep up the great work Bremda.
