Monday, February 22, 2010

"The Sycomore Tree"

Zacchaeus was a wealthy citizen of Jericho. He was very disliked, he was the chief tax collector. He had more opportunities than anyone for wrong doing, which had given him a bad reputation. Jesus and some others were on there wey to Jerusalem for the Passover. This was a custom for people to gather in the streets as a welcome when an important group passed through. Jericho was crowded that day. So many had come to see Jesus of Nazareth, they had heard so much about Him and now they wanted to see him for theirselves. Well, Zachhaeus went to see Jesus as well, but soon saw that it was too crowded and was impossible, he was just a short guy and everyone was pushing against him. Zachhaeus saw an opportunity and he ran for it. the big sycamore tree, he climbed it as fast as possible. As Jesus walked thru He saw Zacchaeus in the tree and surprised all by saying "Zacchaeus, hurry down, for today I will stay at your home". can you imagine Jesus saying He was coming to your home, i bet Zacchaeus bout fell out of that tree, i know i would have. Zacchaeus was so happy, he just didn't understand why Jesus was being so friendly to him, now the crowd was in shock that Jesus would want to come to his home, he was a sinner, could Jesus not see what they already knew. but, see there was something important to come of this and it did, Zacchaeus for the first time stood before Jesus and saw himself for the first time, what others had seen all along. At this time he vowed before Jesus that he would pay back, four times over any amounts he had taken unjustly and give to the poor. See Jesus knew all along that this was Zacchaeus day, that he would be transformed, are you ready for your day? Is your house in order so that Jesus can come in. Please hear today as the people did back on this day esus' words: "This day is salvation come to this house...For the "Son of Man" is come to seek and save that which was lost. Amen...Father I am ready, please forgive all my sins and lead me in your direction, I welcome you into my home, my heart and my soul, In Jesus Name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog Brenda.I am lost for words.Please keep up the great work.
