Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"Don't Be Foolish in God's Eyes"

“Don’t Be Foolish in Christ”

Do you try to make decisions in your life without going to God? Do you find yourself lost and struggling? We all have at some time or another in our life because we are stubborn, or in some cases just plain ignorant. We like to believe we are intelligent enough to get thru the rough times alone. Folks, I tell you, you might get thru, but you won’t be successful. You must go thru Jesus to be successful and not look foolish in God’s eyes. The story of David says it all.

Young David was foolish to think he could succeed where the army or Israel had failed. The Philistines were mighty, they were mean, and they were excellent fighters. They had been unstoppable as they marched throughout the lands of the Middle East. What chance had one small boy against the leader of the mightiest fighting machine in history?
Alone, David would not have stood a chance, but David was not alone. As young as David was, he still had the wisdom to call upon God for help in his time of greatest need. Faith is the most powerful force in the universe, and it knows no age. The faith of a child is every bit as mighty as the faith of an older man or woman.
As we face problems that seem much too great for us to handle alone, we need to understand that the same problem is as nothing in the face of God. God is on our side and He will surely help us whenever we call upon Him. David would not have faced his Goliath without God on his side. Should we ever face our own Goliath s without Him?
Prayer: Lord, send your might to see me through the storms of life. When trials seem too gigantic to handle, be the source of my strength. Deliver me and comfort me Protect all my family and friends from harm’s way, and help us each to realize that we cannot stand alone, for God is the power, He rules all that is of and within this universe. I love you Father in Jesus Holy Name. Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Brenda now I am able to see why sometimes I am not successful in things I do as I do not seem to go to God and get any advice if I am able to.Keep up the great work I know you send lot of time on it.
