Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Destination Truth"

A search for real truth begins with searching the heart of our Father in Heaven. Thru His word we can find who we are and what His plan for us is. We can learn of His love for us just in how He sacrificed His own son Jesus Christ on the cross for us. God’s word offers us all hope. Let’s look at what His plan is for us. We each need to know God’s will for us to get to the destination that we seek, which is the Truth. Below you will see a few of the things that I feel are necessary to see God’s will.

Be in harmony with God's Word and Law

Psalms 40:81 I delight to do thy will, thy law

is within my heart.

Be willing to do God's will

James 4:13-15 You shouldn't be planning

your own life. You should be trying to do God's will.

Faithful prayer for guidance

I John 5:14 You can have confidence that if you

ask according to God's will,

He will hear you

Do what lies nearest you first!

John 16:12 God has many things to tell us,

but we can't bear them now. Do what you can do

and what you know to be correct, right now.

Then He will show you what to do next

Give Glory to God

Revelation 14:7 Part of the last warning messages

to the world contain these instructions

"give glory to Him".

Whose side are you on?

Mark 9:42 Don't hurt ever, the least

of God's children.

Seek Godly Counsil

Proverbs 11:14 There is safety in a multitude of counselors.

Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit

Isaiah 30:20-21 Though you go through adversity and affliction, God will talk to you. You will hear a voice behind you as you turn to the right or left.

God will show you, "This is the way, walk ye in it."

Wait on the Lord

Psalms 37:4-7 Rest in the Lord and wait patiently

for Him.

Joshua 1:5-6 After you have gone though all

these steps move forward in the Lord.

Revelation 3:8 I know thy works: behold,

I have set before thee an open door,

and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little

strength, and hast kept my word,

and hast not denied my name

I hope that this will help you as it has me in finding your destination of Truth that the Lord has in store for us all. I know that walking for Jesus isn’t always easy to do, there are so many temptations that set us back, that is where you have to remember Jesus died on the cross so that we could be forgiven, so if you haven’t already done so, get in prayer and ask for forgiveness so you too can start this journey with Christ. God bless each of you in Jesus Name, Amen!

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