Saturday, February 13, 2010

Spread His News

Most revealing topic in the Bible
I thought today I would just let each of you know from when God the most popular topic and most revealing person ever in the Word first made us aware of his presence. It all started in the book of Genesis when God revealed himself to Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, to Joseph, to Moses, to Joshua, to the Judges, to Ruth, to Samuel, to Saul, to David, to Solomon, to many Judean Kings including foreign kings, to Isaiah, to Jeremiah, and many other prophets, right down to Malachi. And this is just the Old Testament; God wanted everyone to know about Him. God has a purpose and it has always been the same. To get the message to all four corners of the world that He did create, He did give life and He can and will take it away. He needs us to follow and spread His message of good news to all, not only the lost but those that already serve Him, for times will be hard for all of us. God went on in the New Testament and revealed himself to the wise men from the East, to Joseph and Mary, and to Jesus. Then Jesus made God known to the disciples. After the resurrection, the apostles made God known in Acts and in the Epistles of Paul, Peter, James and John. Finally God revealed himself in the Book of Revelation, you might say the final frontier, or for us that believe in God through His son Jesus, the future. I hope you will take today and start spreading His good news around, start with your family, friends, then your neighbors, just reach out. Jesus loves you and He takes your love to His father God, so please give your love to each other.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Brenda you are doing a great job on spreading Gods word.You have helped him in may ways.I to have been telling many people about your blogs hope they have been reading them.Please keep spreading the word Brenda.
