Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Closing Doors, Seeking God"

“Closing Doors, Seeking God”
Sometimes we need to reflect on what is really going on in our own lives, we get so wrapped up in others that we forget what is important. When was the last time that you inspected your soul, I mean really dug deep to see what you needed to be successful in all aspects of your life? Closing doors is a means to arriving. To find what’s wrong we must go soul searching, beginning to do this can be frightful to us, it is so easy to sit back and let others control who we are, telling us we need this or that, when inside we are crying to get out. It is time to go to that inner place and close the door on the past.

If we try to find our inner souls alone we will get lost on the way, someone will knock and we will once again let them in, so I recommend that we start this new journey of soul searching with someone that loves and cares for us, the one who already knows our soul, Jesus Christ. So first, let’s start a search for Jesus, for this He wants us to do. Don't be afraid to do what is right, because it will go well with your soul.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Searching inside has brought tears to my eyes for I see the things I have tried to hide from Jesus, now that I am looking into my soul I see how I have disappointed Jesus time and time again. I know to get forgiveness I have to reach even further into my soul looking for something that will give me courage to ask Jesus for His help once again. I realize I have that, God has already told me in His word to seek Him and He will come. So Father, I trust Your Word; it gives me hope and light to see. . I will trust in you God, and I will look into your face, for I Trust in you with all my soul, I take your embrace for I know I will be complete and whole in your Heavenly arms.

I ask for your forgiveness Precious Father for I have sinned, I have wrestled with this for so long; I have been so frightened for I was scared you wouldn’t forgive me. I know today Lord that you had already forgiven me, you just wanted me to ask, as you have reminded me so many times that you died on the cross so that my sins would be forgiven. I love you Father, thank you for allowing me to get into my soul today and close doors that were hindering me from living in your will. I do ask Father that you let new doors open and put people in my life that are as hungry for you as I am. Thank you Father, for those that have believed in me and have continuously helped me to walk with you. Thank you for divine forgiveness today. I love you in Jesus Name. Amen.

What does it mean to "seek God"?
It is the spirit of man longing for fellowship with God.

The psalmist well described man's search for God
when he cried, "deep calleth unto deep ..." (Psalms 42)

The following scripture will help your with your journey of opening doors and seeking God. Psalms 63:1, 6-8; 84:2, 3, Song of Songs 3:1-4, Isaiah 26:9, John 4:23, 24,Romans 1:9, Philippians 3:3

"Break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord ..." Hosea 10:12

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Brenda at first I did not know what you were talking about but as I read on I can see where you were going and asking for.By all means you said it let someone help you find your inner soul as we all need to sit back and take time to find it.Great blog please keep up the grat work Brenda.Hope to keep read them as you post them.
