Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Fear, Stress, Worry"

Discovering what Fear, Worry and Anxiety have in common:
According to the Bible, there is nothing wrong with acknowledging and trying to deal with the problems of life. In fact, to ignore danger signs are foolish and wrong. But it is also wrong, as well as unhealthy, to be immobilized by excessive worry. You have to turn your worry over to God so He can release you from this paralyzing fear or anxiety, and free us so we can start dealing with our worries.
Sometimes fear and anxiety is the result of one’s own sin and guilt. Don’t hold all the anxiety inside. It can be a big relief to share your fears and worries with someone else. If you have committed a sin or done anything evil, your fear and anxiety is probably God and your own conscience trying to get your attention. You need to repent, confess your sin, seek God’s forgiveness, and set it right.
If this fear is having a significant impact on your life or of others, you need to understand what fear actually is. Fear is an uneasiness of the mind, over thinking future evil thoughts, causing pain for self, anger. It is time for you to get the help you need. There is one who comes to mind that is a healer of all diseases, including, fear, worry and anxiety. Turn to Jesus Christ.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7) (Also see Psalm 55:22-23)

Jesus expressed feelings of compassion, sorrow and anger, but there are no accounts of him expressing feelings of fear. Some may ask WHY? Well, Jesus suppressed self and operated though the Father. Everything that he did, he accomplished via his Father. He did not try to stand in his own strength because his Father already gave him the assurance that he will be with him every step of the way, making bridges over troubled waters and leading him through the valley of the shadows of death. He had an experiential knowledge of the protective care of his Father, so He knew that come what may His Father will take care of it.

“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work” (2 Thes. 2:16-17).

My dear friends, it’s time for us to realize that we can’t go through life struggling with all these battles, holding them in, feeling we have no one to talk to. Some are feared of losing their jobs, some of losing their homes, families. Whatever your fear is that is causing you anxiousness and stress and so much worry our Heavenly Father can and will take this away, you have to ask though, you have to have faith as He had in His Father, Trusting that He can and will bring you through whatever you may be going through. God love and bless each of you.

So you ask, what do these have in common? They all make you sin against Gods word and His will for your life.


  1. Unbelieveable Brenda awesome blog.As you put all three in one package I do need to talk to God big time as i have and do hold all back and now know where I am so easy to explode as my stress level climbs from fear of loseing a close one and worry about it 24/7. Plus I put so much stress on my self at work worrying all the time.After reading this Brenda you have once again helped me big time.I pray my prayers will be answered. Keep up the great work .

  2. Sometimes this seems so hard to do, I find myself worring over anything and everything, it has been my way of life way too long, I get so tired of worrying and then it brings on the stress and as you said a sin. I will remember this and pray that I can give it to the lord.
