Sunday, February 28, 2010



I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

If we only had the determination that our Precious Father has; as stated above He is busy preparing a place for us with great determination He does this for us. How blessed we are to have someone that knows us and gives us a heart to be determined to succeed in life. I can remember back in June of 1998 when I had lost all determination to do anything, including life. I watched as my dad lay in severe pain and how he was determined to do whatever it would take to just have a few more days. I didn’t understand that kind of determination, all I saw was pain, and wondered why he would want to go thru more. Now all these years later I see that his determination came for his love for his children and wife, just as Jesus’ determination is for us. Dad didn’t want to see his family in pain, he hated for us to cry. He was determined to leave my mom in a good place; he wanted to know that she would be taken care of.

I found this quote and I thought how perfect it was, how it is something that God has already done for us, when He sent His son to die on that cross for us. This is true determination.
Mike Ditka: Quotes about Determination
I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it. I think if you are determined enough and willing to pay the price, you can get it done.

Galatians 5:19-21 Determination is the ability to make difficult decisions and accomplish God's goals based on the truths of God's Word, regardless of the resistance that may be encountered. It is the ability to set ourselves toward Godly pursuits, and not allow ourselves to be distracted or discouraged. Righteous Determination requires our persistence to overcome barriers that hold us back--those that can be overcome by more effort, clear goals, and help from others. Obstacles that are wrong, or laden with sin are the ones to hurdle first. We are to honor obstacles and the timing that God gives, and not rush through with matters to which we are not called. Our study of His Word, our prayer life, and listening to good, Godly advice will be our keys to unlocking the right doors and making sure we do not open the wrong ones. Our Determination needs to be governed by righteous desire, commitment, and dedication to God’s principles. You are on the right track if you have the desire to transform laziness or wrong direction into ways you can improve with good, Biblical, quality goals. If we are driven by pride or just the motivation to excel at all cost, it is a good observation that our determination is not of God or His Godly purpose.

Father I ask today for the determination necessary and wisdom to do a work for you that you will be proud of. I thank you today for your determination in loving me while preparing a new place for me to live one day. A safe place to live at your feet. Thank you father for everything, and thank you for your daily forgiveness. I love you precious Father in Jesus Holy name!

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