Friday, February 5, 2010

Life, Now or Eternally!

“Living Today or Living Eternally”
When you reflect upon your life, what do you see? Or what do you hope to see? How have you been living your life’s? Jesus said in the book of John: I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest. John 10:10
You have heard of how old our fathers before us lived, and as our generations have come alone we feel that our lives in years have come to be less, but as you see in Psalms the Lord tells us what we can expect. Are you living life to its fullest, or are you sitting and letting life pass you by. I like you wish the days at work to go by so I can get home, and then before we know it that day is gone and we don’t even know where it went. Maybe we should listen to our Heavenly Father and cherish every breath He gives us.
" Psalm 90:10The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”
It is interesting that after the flood, for awhile, people lived around 200 years. Examples of this are Noah’s children, and Job. The age, however, went down slowly until you get to, David; about 1000 years before Christ came to this earth. No doubt, people were beginning to wonder how short man’s life would be eventually, since people were dying younger and younger—so God told David by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, "The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years…
Are you taking for granted how long you have? We need to all realize that we are not promised our next breath, so we have to live each minute as if it is our last. Take this time and look at what you want your future to be. That is a decision that God allows you to make, so choose it wisely and please don’t forget that Jesus gave His life here on earth so that you and me could have an everlasting life with Him . That is my wish for each of you, that you too will want that life, and not just seventy or so years here on earth. God love and bless each of you.

1 comment:

  1. Brenda very nice blog.As I do live my life day by day and I pray that I wake up each morning and go to work and come home each night.I hope God grants me a long life but if he needs me to come to him early than so be it but i do cheerish each breath I take.Keep up the great work Brenda.
