Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Second Chances"

"There are two kinds of people in the world,"
"The saved and the lost. There is no middle ground with God."
Now there is a sobering thought. If indeed there are only two kinds of people in the world, and if we are "people," we must be either saved or lost. And if we're not consciously aware of having been saved, then we must be lost. And if we're lost...
"Do not be afraid," Samuel replied. "You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart.” 1 Samuel 12:20
We have all done evil before the Lord. It is called sin. We are all sinners. Sin taints our lives. Through our sin we make bad choices. Sin is simply choosing to do something that is outside of the will of God. The Lord knows that we sin, that we continually turn aside from Him. But thankfully He is a God of second chances. He continually calls to us and says, "serve the Lord with all your heart He gives us a second chance. We can break the cycle of sin - crisis - repentance. Just stay close to the Lord, in good times and bad. Turn aside from your sin. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is only through Him that we truly have a second chance.

We humans are so prone to failure, and yet in the eyes of the Lord failure need never be final. The Bible is full of examples of our gracious God giving second chances to his failing servants. For example in the Old Testament consider the prophet Jonah. Jonah was called by God to go the wicked city of Nineveh and call on it to repent. Jonah was fearful of the wickedness of the inhabitants of Nineveh, and the last thing he wanted to do was to confront them about their sin. So instead of journeying to Nineveh he hopped on the freighter to Tarshish, and ran away from his calling. But God was not done with his failing prophet. God prepared a storm to batter the ship and finally Jonah convinced the sailors to toss him into the sea. God then had a large fish swallow his wayward prophet. There in the belly of the fish Jonah called out to God, and God heard him and had the fish deliver him to dry land. Once Jonah was delivered to dry land he made it post haste to Nineveh, and called the city to repent. The city responded in mass and a great revival happened. God gave his failing prophet a second chance, He started over, and a great blessing took place as Nineveh turned to God.
Are you waiting for God to send out the whales in your life, to take you back to where you started? Yes of course we are sinners, because we are the bloodline of Adam and eve, but that doesn’t mean our futures have to be. It’s up to us to ask God for forgiveness and to bring us back to dry land where we can receive healing from this sin. I choose to be saved; I hope you too will choose God. Blessed be Gods children, I ask for forgiveness and removal from where I am at this time in my life. In Jesus Holy name, Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Brenda on second change as may do need to have that and thank you My Lord for giveing us it as most of us do sin and need just thay from God. Keep up the great work Brenda.
