Saturday, February 20, 2010


“Obedience through Faith”
I want to introduce you to an awesome story about how character, obedience and faith are the driving force in one’s life. As you read this story, think about rather you could do the same, and what it would take to get you to that place. Please also note that all stories are taken from God’s word the Bible. Let’s now see where obedience makes a difference.
Abraham had only one son, his name was Isaac. Abraham had waited one hundred years before he had his son that God had promised to him. The day came when God tested Abraham to find out if he loved Him more than his son Isaac. God called Abraham by name, told him to take his only son Isaac whom he loved to the region of Moriah, and either dedicate him to God or sacrifice him as a burnt offering. Abraham knew God had promised to give him a whole nation of descendants through Isaac. The New Testament says that Abraham believed God would raise Isaac from the dead if necessary. So, because of his love and trust in God, Abraham set off the next morning with Isaac and the wood for a burnt offering.
After three days, Abraham saw the mountain where he was to make the sacrifice. He told his servants, “We will worship and” either “I will come back to you” or “we will come back to you.” Though Abraham had waited so many years for this son that he loved, he trusted God enough in this difficult test to believe that both he and Isaac would come back alive. Isaac carried the wood. Abraham carried the fire and the knife. Isaac said, “Father, the fire and the wood are here, but where is the lamb?” Abraham told him that either Isaac was the sacrifice or God would provide the lamb.
Notice another important lesson from Abraham. Though Abraham was obeying God, things happened that made it appear that God’s promises would not come true. Abraham did not obey based on how hopeless the situation looked or how he felt. He could have felt horrible pain and fear, being asked to sacrifice his son. But Abraham trusted God to know best and still believed that God would keep His promises. Abraham built the altar, arranged the wood, and either went hunting for a lamb or tied up Isaac and laid him on the wood. As Abraham raised his knife to kill his son an angel called Abraham’s name. The angel said not to harm the boy because Abraham had proven his love for God by being willing to give up what he loved most, his son, Isaac. Suddenly Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught in a bush. Abraham took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. Abraham named the place Yahweh Yireh, meaning ‘the Lord will provide.’ Just as Abraham trusted God to keep His promise and chose to obey Him during the biggest difficulty of his life, a situation that could have caused him much worry and fear, each of you can trust God during difficult times, do what God tells you to do, and see His promises come to pass.
Abraham did become the father of many nations and has more descendents than anyone could ever count. Abraham had such incredible promises come true because he obeyed the call God had given to him. Abraham was willing to do whatever God asked of him and follow whatever directions God gave him for his life. When we choose to follow whatever directions God gives us for our lives, even if we aren’t sure how everything will work out, God will be faithful to direct our paths and make all His promises come true.
Study on what your answers were, ask God for direction and trust that He won’t let you down, for His word is the Truth. Bless each of you today in Jesus Name.

1 comment:

  1. An awesome blog but found it distubing as to obey as God had asked would be hard at the time but if you do believe you shall do what ever even if you love the one as they are also in God's hands.Awesome work Brenda Keep it up.
