Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hurting Others


I love you, but I can’t understand why we continue communicating by arguing, we just get angry and tired, no exhausted, then words come into it, you know which ones I am talking about, those that hurt so much and you wish you could take them back. Then we walk away and try to figure out how we can say we are sorry and I love you. How do we stop doing this, it is possible? Why do we hurt those we love so much? How come we can’t express our love?

The big question here is why do we hurt those that we love so much?

The important thing in a relationship is not to make the other happy or to expect the other one to make you happy, but to make yourself happy and offer this happiness as a free gift to the other!

I think the above statement is so true, you can’t give love if you can’t even love yourself, so first of all look into that and see if the arguing stems from how you are feeling within.

“Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love."

There are three things that last: faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love." - Bible, I Corinthians 13:13

"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out." - Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) English Poet

I personally feel we hurt those we love the most because they are our best friends, the one we tell everything to, the one we lay all our open battles of the day on, and then unfortunately we get angry with our best friend and take all our hostility out on them.

This happens in our everyday life as well as our love with Christ, we have to step back and remember what those that love us do for us each and every day. So the next time you get into an argument with the one you love, STOP! STEP BACK, AND THINK!
Life is too short to hurt those we love.

For those I have hurt, I am so sorry, please find in your heart forgiveness. God I am sorry for the pain I have caused my best friends and love and I am sorry for hurting you God by hurting others. I love you in Jesus Name! Amen!


  1. Brenda you are very right about love and hurting the ones you love the most beinging friends or not. But you know your self jealousy and trust plays a big part in it so some times it also hurts others not only ones you love.But you must work around and have love out there strong and friends must accept that no matter how close of friends.Than God must be loved each day and all should come together. Keep up the grat work Brenda it brings more light to my eyes each one I read.

  2. This is true, we do hurt the ones we love the most. And sometimes we seem to forget about others and put ourselves 1st, which is good sometimes but in any kind of friendship (love) relationship we need to come to the needs of others. It is so hard sometimes to look at things like this but we all need to think before we say and not be so eager to say the wrong things.
