Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why Does God Answer Prayers?

I have found that when you live a life after God and try to live a life that He is proud of, He hears you when you talk to Him. Sure, we all mess up, for we are all sinners; however we have a Father who loves us and forgives us our sins. Have you ever known someone who really trusts God? You watch them repeatedly get things that they ask God for, not always understanding why.

What is so special about them, what do they have that you don’t? "Coincidence”? I don’t think so…So why would God answer their prayers? The biggest reason is that they have a relationship with God. They choose to follow God, and actually listen to what He (God) says. In their mind, God has the right to direct their life, and they welcome him doing just that! When they pray for things, it is a natural part of their relationship with God. They feel very comfortable coming to God with their needs, concerns, and whatever issues are current in their life. Furthermore, they are convinced, from what they read in the Bible, that God wants them to rely on him like that. As I am writing this, I think about a friend who is battling some difficult issues in their life right now, and I know they know God and live their life as I just spoke. I also know they are scared, for their future relies on things happening, I know that God already has the answers for this friend, I really pray that they look to God and live the life they tell everyone else about and expect greatness from God, so that they now can do God’s will.

There are those of you that wonder why God does not answer your prayers as they do your friend or someone you know. It may be because you do not have a relationship with God. You may know that God exists, and you might even worship God from time to time. Further, you may never have received from God complete forgiveness for your sins. You must first begin a relationship with God. Do you really know him and does he know you? Do you have a relationship with him that warrants him (God) answering your prayers?

"...the Lord longs to be gracious to you. He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for [trust] him!" (Isaiah 30:18) And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him. "The Lord delights in those who fear [reverence] him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."(Psalms 147:11) The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.

However, God's greatest display of his love and commitment to you is this: Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends,"(John 15:13), which is what Jesus, did for us. Therefore, "If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since God did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won't God, who gave us Christ, also give us everything else?" (Romans 8:32) He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? He asks us to take any concerns to him in prayer and he will act upon it according to his will. As we deal with difficulties, we are to cast our cares on him and receive from him a peace that defies the circumstances. The basis for our hope and faith is the character of God himself. The better we know him, the more apt we are to trust him. I hope that today you will open yourselves up to receive God fully into your hearts, so that you too can live a life of receiving an eternal life with our Heavenly Father. God bless you this day!


  1. Awesome blog Brenda.Many people believe in God and there prays have been answered.I know a few people that are praying to God for each other not just there own I do hope and believe there prays for each other may make a wish come true but only God knows for sure what lays ahead for them so only time will tell.Keep up the great work for God Brenda.

  2. Awesome job Brenda and i do beleave in God too,There is hope when you pray and ask God to help.And i like to pray now . Our Father in heaven im asking for help today for a lady that working hard for you to help get her well Lord she had work so hard for you and Father with any power please get her though all this trouble and we ask in your name Lord and Thank you HBS

  3. god answers prayers when our hearts are in the right place he suplys our every needs not always what we want but our needs are met so god the father in jesus name i pray make this woman whole again so she can spread your holy word as she has been doing all along so she can be a blessing to more and more people cause lord i no she dont wont anyone to go too hell as i dont either its there own choosing that they go there but make her well again so she can be a blessing to someone else like she has for me in jesus holy name i beg and pray........JR
