Saturday, June 12, 2010

Forgiveness, The Power to Change!

A little over a year ago, I had a family member who crushed my heart when they did not stand up for me when some horrific things were said to me. I harbored ill will for a good year. Every time I would think of the situation, I just could not forget. I had told them I forgive them, but my heart was so heavy. I just could not make peace within. I did not go to their house for a year, birthdays, and holidays came and went. I needed them to say they were sorry, it just did not happen. I came to a dead end and really missed this family member, so I went out of my way to try to make peace. Here it is all this time has gone away and what did I miss? The love of this family member, the sharing, the shopping, and all family events where they would be present. I called myself a Christian during this time, and now I see I was not giving this over to the Lord, I was not forgiving as I had thought. Now, as time has gone on I am happy to say that we are back to talking and I even went over to their house a few times now, and we were able to go shopping again. So today, my heart feels so much stronger, and I give so much praise and glory to God for bringing us through that hard time, and more importantly for giving me the power to change my cold heart. Today I love my family and am excited about growing more and more in the Lord as the Lord blesses with a new breathe each day.

Jesus commanded us to forgive our brother from our heart (Matthew 18:35). Yet because we have memory, sometimes the hurt and pain resurface, and we find that once again we are struggling with the very issue we thought we had forgiven. If you too have someone you need to forgive so you can grow in Christ, you will have to realize first that forgiveness is a process. Forgiveness gives over our right to get even, and finally realize that forgiving leads to reconciliation. Sure, you may feel tormented by your old feelings and have setbacks, but the Lord will be there for you to guide and direct you every inch of the way.

This does not mean you will ever truly forget but God does give what it takes to forgive. Seek Him for the answers of how to overcome the anger and hurt you are feeling.

Step back and remember a time when you desperately wanted someone to forgive you and how you handled it, as well as how did he or she go about forgiving you?

It took me awhile, until one day, the Lord spoke to me and asks me what makes you think you should not forgive others but you expect me to forgive you of all my sins? My heart ached when I realized what I had been doing. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

Isaiah 43:25-26 I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. 26Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.

Our Heavenly Father, I know that you will give me the strength to forgive and I thank you that you love me. I know I do not deserve this kind of love, and I feel so blessed that you love me as I am. It is hard to face up to the wrong that is in my life. When I feel your forgiveness, I feel clean, good inside, and so free to be what you want me to be. Help me feel this goodness, and strengthen me to forgive those who have wronged me. In my heart, I need to feel your forgiveness, so I thank you for it in Jesus Holy Name. Amen!


  1. Very nice blog Brenda.I like you have came across where people that are close to me do not stand up nor be there when they are needed the most but I forgive them even when they have done me wrong and lied to me just so they can have what they want at that time but I know that is what God would want as I can not let all this build up inside no more so I want all to be good with everyone before I go to heaven.Keep up the great work Brenda.

  2. forgiveness is the key to all things in life and with god JR
