Monday, June 14, 2010

“Answered Prayers”

As Christians, we have an invincible God who not only has the power to heal us from any ailment, but He actually does want to heal us if we properly approach Him in our prayers. Every time God decides to heal someone, He is showing incredible mercy, love, goodness and compassion towards that person. If you do not believe that God the Father is a good, merciful, loving, kind and compassionate God – then you may not be able to receive a divine healing from Him because you will not have enough faith and belief in His ability to heal you in the first place. Psalms 145:8 (KJV) The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.

“Jesus Heals the Woman Suffering from Bleeding"
20And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: 21For she said within herself, if I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. 22But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour. Matthew 9:20-22 (KJV)

In Matthew chapter 8, vs. 1-4 you will find where Jesus healed a man with leprosy, In spite of the leper being deemed "unclean", Jesus did not hesitate to reach out, touch him, and heal him. This event shows the kindness, willingness and the power of Christ. He risked his life so that this man could live just as he would do later for us on the cross. Leprosy is a chronic, mildly infectious disease in which most of us would not have dared touch this man.

This is just two of the many times when Jesus healed; He continues to heal this day. I have been undergoing test and treatments for kidney stones and possible cancer. Today I went to the doctor for yet another test on my kidneys. Was I scared, and nervous, of course, I am human, but I had no doubt that no matter what the test would show I knew that Jesus would be with me, and help me get thru it. There have been many praying for me, and I thank each of you sincerely, for your prayers were heard. My kidneys and bladder are cancer free. I trust Jesus with my life, for I belong to Him, the creator of you and me. I sat in the office talking to God asking for His divine intervention and for peace unknowns to me, and I received. Praise His Holy Name. God’s kindness is unlike any I have ever seen, His willingness to take me under His wings and to Love me is unconditional. Jesus only ask that you love Him, trust Him, honor Him

In addition, talk to Him. Have a conversation with God, tell Him what you are needing, sure He already knows, but He wants to hear it from you. Let God be your best friend, you will not find a more reliable friend.

Thank You, God, for giving me life and for saving my life. Amen


  1. First it is so awesome and make me feel so good you are cancer free Brenda.Awesome blog I so glad that God does help heal as i know I have prayed for you manytimes and you for me in return.Please keep up the great blogs Brenda.Thank you God for healing a very sweet lady.

  2. yes jesus can heal a person heart and soul and body if they want to be healed it takes the want to for him to do it JR
