Friday, June 25, 2010

Satan Attacks

1Corinthian 10:13 KJV There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Jesus never said we would be protected from trials and tribulations. So we ask not, what can I do to avoid difficulties? But, How can I best handle them when they arise? We have to know how to handle adversity when it attacks.

Satan loves to tell us things about ourselves and others to keep our mind astray, he loves when he is able to get to our soul. Just a simple thing as a disagreement that grows in proportion, he sits back and just laughs. Satan loves to break down your interior wall and get inside your mind. He likes when you think someone is talking about or making fun of you. Have you ever walked into a room and everyone got quiet. I have many times, and right off the bat you believe they were talking about you. When in actuality you probably wasn’t even mentioned, but see satan loves for you to believe otherwise. This happened to me today at work, my boss was in a very aggressive mood, and I took everything he said personal and found my feelings to be very hurt, to the extent of I told my other boss I was going home. When in all actuality, when we were brought together to talk, it was easily explained. But see for that time frame the devil had already took away all my joy and put a negative taste in my mouth. My faith went out the door, and I let satan enter, and when it was all said and done all I had was guilt, and an ugliness within myself for even bringing the situation up. Praise God I have Him to help me to realize I am human and I will screw up, but He (God) will help me thru these situation and help me to find peace again.

So you ask, what can I do to avoid these types of difficulties? When I can’t, how do I handle them? For me, I know I have to take a few minutes to breathe and realize that all things are not as they seem always, to take a second and step away from the situation. Afterwards find a nice place and see if you can discuss what had happened and what you can do to prevent it in the future. Every second of every day, satan is looking for loop holes to your soul…protect yourself! We need to be aware of the fact that Satan’s going to attack. You know, James in chapter 4 says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Satan is going to come after us, and we have to be ready, and we have to get the armor on.

Build a strong mind: (1) Read your bible and pray daily. (2) Go to church and  Bible study on a regular basis. (3) Praise God and be thankful.

(Zechariah 2:5) For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire around about, and will be the glory in her midst.

"I choose Jesus"
Father, I ask today that you help us to be real, to be true to ourselves. Father help us to open our minds so that we know when satan is attacking us. Give us authority over satan, precious Father, give us the tools needed to stay in constant communication with you. Help us to be faithful to you always. Do your work in our midst, as you move and trim those lamps, may ours be one that shines bright for your glory in Jesus’ name, Amen.


  1. this is awesomeeeee brenda so true too this for these great words you speak so awesomeeeee HBS

  2. Awesome Brenda.I like others do let Satan enter me and not always anything we can do about it I fight to remove Satan and let God come back in me but I fail and do stupid things.So than I must than start from the start again and pray to God for his forgiveness once again.Alwayd have your gaurd up againt Satan is the way I found best.Keep up the great work Brenda.
