Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aarons Faith

Father, Give me faith, so that no matter what battle is before me I am able to fight it with trust. Use me to encourage others as they go thru their battles as well. Help me to be strong and very courageous, remembering your promise that you will never leave nor forsake me.

Who was Aaron?
Aaron is the older brother to Moses by three years, and he is the younger brother to his sister Miriam, who is ten years his elder. When the time of the Exodus came, God sent Aaron (Exodus 4:14, 27-30) out to meet the returning Moses (who had just spent 40 years out in the Sinai with Jethro), to join with him in their assigned task. Aaron was to be the spokesman for Moses, who was unable to speak well. (Exodus 6:30; 7:1-2,9-10,19). Even though Moses was the leader, Aaron would be the one who would speak to Pharaoh through the events leading to the Exodus, and the crossing of the Red Sea.

Aaron was a faultless servant with his brother, at least at first. When Moses overlooked the battle with the Amalekites from a nearby hill with the rod of God in his outstretched hand, it was Aaron and Hur (Miriam's husband), who held up Moses' tired arms until Israel's forces under Joshua won the battle (Exodus 17:8-13).
Aaron's greatest lapse in judgment occurred while Moses was away on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments from God. For whatever reason, Aaron gave in to the people's demands, and made that now-infamous golden calf for the people to worship (Exodus 32:4). When Moses returned, Aaron was scolded in a sharp manner, but was forgiven by God after Moses prayed for him. Aaron came very close to being killed for that incident (Deuteronomy 9:20)

Thru other incidents in Aaron and Moses life they neither one were permitted into the Promised Land, however they both were able to get back into Gods Graces. Aaron would die at the age of 123 at Mount Hor after his priestly authority was transferred to his son Eleazar. (Numbers 20:23-29, Deuteronomy 10:6, 32:50). The people mourned his passing for 30 days.

Aaron was a forerunner of Jesus Christ in his role as the high priest. Some believe that his priesthood was a "shadow of heavenly things," and was intended to lead the people of Israel to look forward to the time when "another priest" would arise (Hebrews 6:20).

This is just a small portion of Aaron’s story, I do pray that you will read the enclosed scripture and get a better understanding of Aaron’s life. I wanted to write this today because I wanted you to see that you can find forgiveness out there, look at what Aaron did wrong, and How God found forgiveness. Aaron most definitely went thru some trials and tribulations in his life, and he too had to overcome, even to the point of almost losing his life.

Aarons faith was upheld, Will yours be?


  1. Amen on this one Brenda keep up the good work love it HBS

  2. A very true blog Brenda we do have to find with in us to for give off and on and I do often even if i am ticed I do get over as life is to short I do not want to leave haveing hate within me as I love all and respect others even if they have done me wrong so I forgive all and ask God to be with me on it at my side.Keep up the great work Brenda.
